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I appreciate the feedback, and I will begin working on an update. If there is anything else you would like to see added please let me know.
Quote: Originally Posted by Paulthaz I can not use FS, when I try to move the position of the TD / Press with the right mouse button on something nothing appears, I can not use the arrow o...
LSPD Interior has been cancelled.
Saving and Loading vehicles with one command: This is a very basic script I whipped up to make saving and loading vehicles a little easier. Saving them was already simple, but now you don't have to d...
I added the files you linked me to, and I'm still getting the error. EDIT: It works just fine when I remove the bodypart parameter, so I have no idea. EDIT 2: I fixed it. I'm just dumb and forgot to ...
Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) { /*if(IsAdminOnDuty[playerid]) { SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100); }*/ return 1; } I added this to my game...
It should be in your gamemode. If not add it in, then just simply check to see if the player has pressed KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK
More information would be nice. Where did you put the code for the objects, and how exactly are trying to load them. Are you doing it under OnGameModeInit()?, or using a different method? What exactly...
I've taken over development of a gamemode, and I am just trying to get familiar with it's own command processor. Here's a command that works just fine. That uses multiple variables, and doesn't requir...
Quote: Originally Posted by JesterlJoker Just do this PHP код: CMD:carcolor(playerid, cmd[], cmdtext[]) {     new string[144], vcolor1, vcolor2;     if(!IsPlayerSpawned...
Alright. I'm trying to make a command that changes both colors of your current vehicle, but the command stops and returns nothing if you use /carcolor 4 5. It only works if you use /carcolor 4. CODE ...
I'll just make it manually. Honestly didn't even though that was an option. I have just begun to work with SQL.
I am getting this error while trying to implement a SQLite database. Код: db_query(database, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (userid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username VARCHAR(24) COL...
Alright, so I'm not used to using timers. I've used a few but to many. Now my question is. If I have multiple variables I want to be reset to 0 after let's say a minute after they are set to 1. Shoul...
Ok. I've spent the past 20 mintues trying to get this animation to stop looping. Here's the code: Код: stock RobberySuccessful(playerid) { SendMessage(playerid, -1, "[DEBUG]: Robbery Started.")...
I'll give it a shot. [EDIT: It worked. Thank you very much!]
This is my first go at using this. The issue I am having. Is not being able to login after registering my account. Here's the code: Pastebin
So. I whipped up a quick test race before I dove into making a few races for this script I am working on, and I have ran into an issue with the Race Checkpoints not doing anything when I enter them. T...