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Yeah, it's only for PT_Text. This "system" is for moving TextDraw from current position to another position. Specifically, changing TextDrawTextSize because I don't see another way. Thanks Crayder.
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder PT_Text's size is not MAX_TEXT_DRAWS Also, that's a horrible macro. PHP код: new PT_Text[Text:MAX_TEXT_DRAWS][800 char];  I know that...
PHP код: error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small  Line: PHP код: ResetArray(PT_Text[text]);  Define: PHP код: #define Reset...
I'm now on mobile, but when I back to home, I test this what are you say. But, can you explain better what you mean exactly? Thanks :-* My English is bad, do you understand what I saying? :/
Ok, i fix spawn gumb with "noclass" include. But Camera doesn't work
Hi, i put this code when player connect. PHP код: if(fexist(Path(playerid))) {     INI_ParseFile(Path(playerid),"LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);     SpawnPlayer(...
Which are the stupid reasons to use 0.3x?
Try this.. And, why you use that sooo big string and timer for kick? PHP код: if(dialogid == 4) {     if(!response) return SetTimerEx("DelayedKick", 100, false, "i", playerid);  ...
Edit: Thanks, i dont see you edit post.
How I putplayerinvehicle when he type this command? PHP код: YCMD:veh(playerid, params[], help) {     #pragma unused help     new id, string[40], Float: K[3], c1,c2;      ...
Is someone wants to explain? I'm not asking that we do. Only explanation.
I know how to make moveable TextDraw Text, but I don't know how to move TextDraw BOX. I search on ******, forums but I doesn't find anything. So, can someone explain to me how to do it?
Quote: Originally Posted by DoDler Basicly, this is done using gangzonecreate function https://*********/Uz9TDNreNII Thanks dude. But these applications does not have to download
How to make this on the map? Thanks in advance. | Rep+
Topic title says it all. RP, DM, FR, Stunt, DayZ, Zombie, Party, Trucking, MiniGames, CounterStrike, Cops and Robbers. Or something totally new?
I wonder, When use a global timer, and when use a local timer? What's a local timer? What's a global timer?
Quote: Originally Posted by VoltMeter As you see, you have not loaded any plugins. Make sure you load all the plugins that are necessary for your gamemode. Try adding a line " plugins " in...
Quote: Originally Posted by Fancy 1.Is the gamemode placed in the gamemode folder? 2.What is the name of the gamemode in the gamemode in gamemodes folder? 3.All plugins are loaded? 1. Y...
Код: #include "a_samp" #include "change_color" #include "foreach" native WP_Hash(buffer[],len,const str[]); #include "YSI\y_ini" Код: echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password...