Search Results
Very interesting. I use the Pawn.RakNet plugin for a long time and this will certainly be helpful.
A very interesting and beautiful made system, no need to explain what it is, look at the video. (Click on image and you'll know what to write instead of *******) Credits: Kristall Download https:/...
Quote: Originally Posted by Exhibit You can't release leaked scripts. Get a life loser. Are you dumb ? Quote: This gamemode LOOKS LIKE eLg clans freeroam/roleplay, Many peo...
It is possible, try doing something like this. pawn Код: new Float:g_vPosition[ 3 ];GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, g_vPosition[0], g_vPosition[1], g_vPosition[2]);CreateExplosion(g_vPosition[0], g_vPos...
@SV Код: new lastWeapon[MAX_PLAYERS];public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){ lastWeapon[playerid] = 0; return 1;}public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){ new w = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid); if(w != ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Deadpoop yes. Great, you helped him a lot.
Prevent it by not allowing killing people who\'s in mission maybe ?
*Uhm quote* This is in the forum rules. It has no legal bearing, it\'s just not permitted on the forums, which is fair enough. You can\'t sell it or trick people into paying for it. SA-MP is and a...
Quote: Originally Posted by PepsiCola23 i have read that topic but i couldnt manage to find answers for my questions How comes ? Everything you need is there and first answer on your q...
People already had a discussion about modular programming here:
Yes and Yes (somehow). Even in some cases the server on the hosted tab is not a guarantee that you will have players, and in support of that you see a lot of empty servers on the list. It's probably ...
Quote: Originally Posted by MEGADETHS There is probably a faster and easier way but this works. This will show 20 playernames with wanted level lowest playerID ontop. PHP код: #d...