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Every time I try to open a folder with .pwn files in, Windows Explorer just restarts itself and closes the folder meaning I can't access any of my gamemode files. Sometimes it just restarts instantly,...
I just clicked onto the Server Advertisements board for the first time in ages and I was amazed at how many roleplay servers there are. What's the deal with it? What makes roleplay servers so popula...
I’m offering scripting services for very cheap prices! I can code filterscripts and gamemodes for any type of server. Over my 3-4 years of coding PAWN, I’ve made numerous Freeroam servers, DM ser...
Quote: Originally Posted by FreAkeD You should use your imagination to come up with things like this. Try stuff that no freeroam server hasnt seen to date, you'll be thinking in no time. ...
Код: new unban = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "unban"); or Код: new unban[sizehere]; cache_get_field_content(0, "unban", unban);
Quote: Originally Posted by Mellnik To fight bandwidth DDoS you need money. If you don't have money close your server. I wouldn't say close your server completely. People get bored even...
You need to use to set the clickable area of the textdraws.
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder No you are wrong. There is an R2 client and an R2 server. R2 wasn't the server-only update that you are thinking of. You are thinking of R2-1, which was...
I wasn't entirely sure on where to post this. My friend has a strange problem where even if a server has stunt bonuses disabled, he still gets them. It's annoying because it's triggering my money hac...
There isn't a SA-MP 0.3.7-R2 client. You can connect to R2 servers with the standard 0.3.7 client; the R2 update was for server owners only, as you can read here:
Код: format(PlayerInfo[target][pIme], [insert size of pIme here], "%s", GetName(target));
Try using the print function after every function under your OnPlayerDeath callback so you can see the last function that is processed before your server crashes.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Color codes are filtered by the client. They're never even sent to the server. So, if my assumptions are correct: if the player only enters a color code t...
I have a reaction test system in my server, but if you enter a hex colour code in the chat, like "{FF0000}" for example, it's an instant win; the server seems to think the colour code is the reaction ...
Quote: Originally Posted by PSYCHOBABYKILLA the guy asking the question needs help do you think he knows what foreach is try correcting the guy asking the questions fool ps i dont got th...
Using foreach is simpler. pawn Код: GetConnectedPlayers(){    new count;        foreach(new i : Player)    {        count++;    }        return count;}
Firstly, I recommend that you read this: Anyway, you need to use a callback called LoadData(playerid) to get the data (XP) from the query (cache_g...
You don't need to put integer values inside quotation marks: pawn Код: '%d' should just be pawn Код: %d
pawn Код: SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREY, "[Vehicle Lead %i].", vehicleLead[vehicleid]);