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Quote: Originally Posted by kAn3 Didnt read still your code but unless you press F4 before dying you should start normally. Probably you added something you need to check... Test my cod...
Quote: Originally Posted by TakeiT onplayerdeath add spawnplayer. 1) This makes the "OnPlayerSpawn" be called twice. 2) It removes the deathcam (the camera that hovers over you after de...
Quote: Originally Posted by kAn3 Use TogglePlayerSpectating for it. NOTE: If you use TogglePlayerSpectating under OnPlayerConnect, be sure to add SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0...
When a player connects to the server, I set his spawn info to LSPD. Player spawns correctly. Every time that the player dies, his skin is set to 0 (CJ), and "Spawn" button and arrows appear like here...
Quote: Originally Posted by Overdosed94 Use SetSpawnInfo or SpawnPlayer under OnPlayerRequestClass. Sure, that could work, but its not solving the bug, its just covering up the bug by f...
Hello. When players connect to my server, I show them a textdraw and a login dialog (I use TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1) to hide the class selection). Then they log in successfully spawn in LSP...
Hi, I have added 2 bots to my username with /msg NickServ GROUP. I have set their names to the same in filterscript. But when I join or they join they wont be automatically OP status. Also I won't b...
Hi, I have some groups and they have points in an array Etc: GroupInfo[1][gPoints] = 300; GroupInfo[2][gPoints] = 850; GroupInfo[3][gPoints] = 140; GroupInfo[4][gPoints] = 565; Now I want to order ...
Hi.. I have a problem. Sometimes players get kicked and on his screen 'Server closed connection'. It happens for no reason, just randomly. Is this the fault of host or something? Server log and crash...
Thanks for your help, I understand what you're saying. I used this in my code (indendation messed up here): Код: for(new i, j = strlen(inputtext) - 1; i < j; i++) { ...
Код: new string[1024]; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", ClanInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pClan]][cMessage]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, D_SHOWCLANM...
No you don't understand me. The owner sets the message as Код: 1) New Member\n 2) Leader Change But when other players look at the message (DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX) then it will show as: Код: 1) N...
In my clan system the owner can set the 'news' text. Everybody can look at the news of that clan. The owner types the news into a input dialog and then when other people look the news, they see what h...
Hi, I want to remove tag from player name: [PWN]John --> John So how I do remove first 5 letters [PWN] to set his name back to John? I know for sure that he player will have the tag.
I don't need it to be done for me. I just need a hint or advice how to do it. They are in an enum and I just add new zones into the enum (it's dynamic). I just check the gCaptureZone[zoneid][zOwnerTea...
You dont understand me at all. I cant use cases because for example, sometimes the first is Zone ID 6, other time the first listitem is Zone ID 9 because the teams capture and lose zones all the time.
No.. there are teams and teams have zones. Sometimes the teams have captured 5 zones.. sometimes 10. I want to show the zones that the team owns, to the player in a list dialog, and spawn him in which...
Hi.. I need a little bit of advice here. I have capturable zones in an enum (owner, spawn coordinates.. etc) . Now I want the player to be able to spawn in these zones (change his spawn point). I ...
Hmm I really cant spot a mistake.