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And how do I do that? Couldn't find any examples to get the ideia
Код: case DIALOG_RACING: { new userid = strlen(inputtext); RaceInvite[userid] = playerid; RaceAccepter[playerid] = userid; if(!userid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY...
Can you give me an example on how to do that, if you don't mind?
Been away from sa-mp for a while, that's all.
Код: CMD:inf(playerid) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:ROT; if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,ROT); if(IsPlaye...
Quote: Originally Posted by rolex Lуgico, limitou a variбvel em 17 kk, tambйm nгo percebi olhando rapido. Eu achava que o ~g~ nгo contava, jб que nгo aparecia como dнgito. Em to...
Kkkkkkkkkk. Meu, disfarзa. Logo depois de postar me passou algo pela cabeзa. Код: new pontuacao[17]; Eu coloquei 17 pensando no numero exato pra mostrar atй 4 casas de nъmeros, mas aparenteme...
Entгo, quero mostrar a pontuaзгo em Textdraw: Код: new Text:score; Код: score = TextDrawCreate(400, 101, "pontuacao:"); TextDrawSetOutline(score,2); TextDrawSetShadow(score,0); TextDrawFon...
Quote: Originally Posted by DaniceMcHarley Code: new CommandCount; CMD:thecommand(playerid,params[]) { new string[60]; CommandCount++; format(string,sizeof(string),"You are number %i...
Quote: Originally Posted by zCyan Com certeza vocк quer saber como otimizar seus cуdigos certo? Blz ai vai uma base Esse aqui й um cуdigo funcionando perfeitamente, mais pode economiz...
Quote: Originally Posted by ViniBorn Valeu, vou testar mais tarde!
Quote: Originally Posted by lackmail Code: enum cInfo { UsedCmdX1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], UsedCmdX2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], UsedCmdX3[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], UsedCmdX4[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ...
Nope. I have a Racing system, everything works but I want players that type /Race to be put in different places, so like the first to type is send to position Z, the second to Y and on.
How can I get the info that someone used X command? Let's say I use X command, then I'll be detected as first, then another player use the same command and then he is recognized as second. Couldn't f...
Entгo, volta e meia vejo quando alguйm publica script, include ou seja o que for falando que й X tгo mais rбpido que Y mйtodo baseado em Z benchmark. Eu sou meio cabaзгo em Pawn e logo preten...
Quote: Originally Posted by Abagail What types of things do you have inside of the timer? Stuff like Hide or Show Textdraws depending on the situation, or to turn like g_God[playerid] t...
Quote: Originally Posted by Abagail Having a timer running every .5 seconds is obviously going to reduce performance as appose to using other methods, especially if it's cluttered. What...
Hi, so my GM is almost done and I plan to open my server soon. When? Idk, but soon. Since I'll be starting I'll get a normal host, not a dedicated one so I'll have to share resources with idk how many...
Quote: Originally Posted by saffierr You will always 'die' when crashing onto a building, it's GTA by default. But, perhaps you could script to spawn the player immediately where he was be...
At the moment I have a /Godmode command in my server. It tunrs g_God[playerid] to true and on a infinite loop that is called every .5s if g_God[playerid] == 1; it sets the player and vehicle hp to 100...