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Hi, i want to make stock that will read from file in array, but i dont know how to return array changed, i tried Код: stock FUcitajNiz(&a[][], nizfile[], &n) { new UpisData[128]; new Fil...
Oh i totally forgot it , thank you so much
Ok, thats a mailbox and something, but i meant on signs when i asked and i had this screenshot somewhere so i used it...
Hello guys, im looking for some invisible object that could protect this signs and make them unbreakable
I updated it 5 days ago, i dont know where i can find the newest version.
I have Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" and i found with nativechecker that error is Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial' How can i solve this? server_log Код: -...
I solved this by running old pawno as administrator sry for wasting your time, now only 1 shit left
I have a huge problems with Pawno. I recently installed Windows 8.1 and i got a lot of problems , probably the biggest one is that i cant compile my gamemode. I start compiling and suddenly my Pawno c...
Код: [12:37:00] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial' [12:37:00] Script[gamemodes/Matrix.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [12:37:00] Number of vehic...
server.cfg Код: echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password 159753 maxplayers 50 port 5555 hostname Matrix HP gamemode0 Matrix 1 filterscripts ELC_AC Gangzone plugins streamer.dll an...
Hi guys, i recently have installed new operating system and i got some problems. Plugins that i had in my gamemode couldnt be load, but i updated them and its ok now, but now when i run samp_server.e...