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Use y_timers' ptask or any plugin that provides per-player timers.
Monitor OnVehicleMod and OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate
Quote: Originally Posted by Romz It is better to fix the vulnerability in the server code so that such plugins cannot be created. It is also worthwhile to issue regular updates so that plu...
Or delete the backslashes. They're unnecessary in your case.
Quote: Originally Posted by GangstaSunny. The 3 trailers will ALWAYS have the trains vehicle id +X. No, they get unused ids, at least on 0.3.7. For instance, this script prints: Code: ...
Move `Locale` definition below, so `ParseFile` is defined before the call. Looks like a compiler bug. Anyway, returning strings is bad practice. You should use references.
141 So check if `_streamer_included` is defined. Zeex compiler doesn't generate include guards by default, so relying on _inc_* symbols might not giv...
As a guy who worked briefly on a clientside anticheat, I'd suggest you NOT to write an AC unless you actually have experience in modding or at least know how cheats and mods work. First step is to un...
Quote: Originally Posted by GRiMMREAPER For x || y, provided both x and y are numbers, will always return 1. You are then accessing arr[1], which indeed exists and is 3. pawn Код: ne...
Not possible* unless the server you play on allows players to increase/decrease the nametags draw distance using a command or any other interface. *possible = no hax
Quote: Originally Posted by Adamoneoone It's to anticipate the whole string size. I recompiled with the exact number, which is 5300 roughly. Oh, also I have forgotten to mention, I tried ...
The real bug is that actors aren't properly frozen on clients' screens and therefore they can be pushed away from their original position until they are restreamed or SetActorPos is used.
Код: SetServerRuleFlags("version", CON_VARFLAG_RULE); SetServerRule("version", "0.4");
Remove readonly flag from "version" rule and then you should be able to change it.
Quote: Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw At least there's a fix in this RakNet branch: Now all we can do is wait, if the big servers get hit hard then I'm sure ther...
When I connect to a server, I expect it to be very straightforward and intuitive/easy to interact with. That textdraw click is pointless in this context and adds 1 unnecessary step to the login sequen...
Quote: Originally Posted by Meller im just gonna go made a memory located variable with 899999999999999999999999 null cells, my cpu won't die at all. CPU will be fine tho.