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well i've to issues i hope someone would help me with (+rep) so the first one is when i use jetpack everytime it says you used it recently.. new jetpacktimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; Quote: CMD:jetp...
Alright thanks but can you give me its link,please i would appreciate that also i would give u +1rep
What is the difference and which one is better for a samp server and if possible can u provide me with a windows vps hostig? As i know OVH is a great host for samp but is it only linux?thanks. Sorry f...
Thank you all of helping me,it worked! +REP btw:if you wont mind guys can anyone tell me what was the problem/error in my array?! about getweaponname,well i didn't script for more than 1year i forgot ...
99 i've made a command with /giveallweapon and it works well..but the only issue i face is when it sends the message to the doesn't show the weapon's name: Quote: CMD:giv...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR Here is the reason you should SEARCH first.. This is a very old problem, solution is simple, you should have a SetSpawnInfo before toggling the specta...
Quote: Originally Posted by Wizzard2H TogglePlayerSpectating calls OnPlayerSpawn im sure about it Yep it does..but when i use it like that it doesn't and i already tried debugging it by...
well..i removed all Kick and Ban functions from the script and tried but well still says server closed the connection Note: OnPlayerSpawn doesn't get called..
Hello guys, so i got this issue from some days..when i toggleplayerspectating to 1 so he cant see the Spawn buttons and then when i toggle it to 0 he gets kick (Server Closed The Connection)..wired ha...
as i know md5 isn't safe/secure? EDIT: w/e i tested it..md5 works but if possible i want to try whirlpool as i think it is safer than md5
well..the both hash are exactly the same so... Login one: F2BA79098F5F37BBD4EE105894EC1EE73205B579DA615E24B5 76C287A7ABC6EF0B72AB43D128083494497F4EE2282CA6F24E EE9C70BC03453D81995BDA9F6991 Register ...
Hello,i've scripted a login/register system and it works fine but the problem is when i hash the passwords and then login again and type the password it says wrong password On Register Dialog: Quote...
tried not working with the GM but works on phpmyadmin EDIT: Oh shit my bad....i forgot the mysql_query w/e rep for everyone thanks for your time
i already defined the name in pInfo[playerid][Name] even i was using mysql R5 before and it was working fine also i use pInfo[playerid][Name] alot of times in the GM and it works fine
Hi guys,i've some issues with mysql..i just want to format who's connect in the database but well it doesn't add him this is the code Quote: mysql = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, ...
go to the server log and post it so we can help you
Hello,i am facing some issues with the mysql,i work with WAMP and it works fine on my laptop but it doesn't in my PC even after closing the firewall (just a try) so any ideas?! i tried XAMPP as well b...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Just look up since when they're in business. If it's not stated look up when the domain was registered. That information is always publicly available. And...