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So no one knows why it would be causing my vehicleid's to be messed up, cause i can't either. It's weird tbh with you, like vehicleid 104 and another id don't seem to work either. I use this to get th...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stev Did you add "AUTO_INCREMENT" to database? Yes, StaticMysqlId Is my AUTO_INCREMENT. It seems to set, vehicleid 1 to vehicleid 2, while vehicleid 1 still...
No response, i guess i'll stick to trying to troubleshoot it myself.
Having a little bit of an issue with my saving and loading of my cars in my mysql database. The cars are getting added as they should be. Vehicleid's start with id 0 in the database, when they should ...
You can't have 2 functions with the same name, You need to change the name on one of them. I was to slow someone beat me to it
To set names on scoreboard to white PHP код: SetPlayerColor(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF);  To set a player to a diffrent color PHP код: if(blah = blah){    SetPlayerColor(playerid,...
Well you don't have another command processor, so see if you have OnplayerCommandText located twice in your script like Crayder said above
Quote: Originally Posted by rodrigordr I wanted to use it to open and close the gate of my hq Show us your includes, mostly located at the top of a script
Ya you can drive the trailers but they don't move very fast. You can also use that command to get in rc vehicles
Use /save with another vehicle then just change the model, Or you can make a command to teleport yourself in to a car
We can't help you if we do not know your code
You need this That is needed for the latest Ysi. Just put all the files on that github in to your amx folder
What are you using to load the doors?
May i ask why you're adding to the angle? When you can just face the way you want the actor to be then do this PHP код: new Float:A; GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,A); for(new i = 0; iÂ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DarkPower2 PHP код: new Float:A; SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,180); for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {     GetActorFacingAngle(i,A);    ...
PHP код: new Float:A; GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,A); for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {     SetActorFacingAngle(i,A+90); }  That code will get the player facing angle then...
Are you making A a float? pawn Код: new Float:A;
pawn Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);        SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 5);        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 250000);    return 1;} If you ...
There is also gpos
Hasn't been tested but here you go, i don't speak your lang so i didn't add the client messages, i'm sure you can that yourself PHP код: CMD:gethere(playerid,params[]) {      new ID,Floa...