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Quote: Originally Posted by RDM kalcor can not do anything if the attack is greater than your network can handle! kalcor only minimized the effects caused by the attack on the server! if y...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrettyDiamond Im in same Boat as you my Debian was unmounted at all....and im still at Null Progress by all. My IP still flooded, my server still o...
Quote: Originally Posted by Chaprnks It was actually more complicated than that.. at some point I half-ass upgraded the linux kernel, but still had grub thinking it was the old one.. Thank...
You should to go to your folder /lib/modules/....and look here the real filename for this file where you have xxxx and change it to the correct module name
Quote: Originally Posted by iLearner Guy above, change your server port temporarily, that's the only solution for now. If you pay more attention for that what ppl write, you had not wri...
Quote: Originally Posted by fr0stG I believe CentOS 6.x+ started enabling SYN cookies by default. This is a fresh CentOS 7 minimal install and it has it on already: PHP код: [root@...
samp doesnt works for me Код: [18:58:49] [connection] incoming connection: id: 6 [18:58:49] Warning: Minimum time between new connections (1000) exceeded for 117....
I have moved the server to many other PORTS in my root server, this doesnt matter, because the ip its targeted. I am busy the last days with fail2ban + Suricata, and believe me ppl, im working hard to...
Quote: Originally Posted by Christofski this is useless to anyone using a VPS unfortunately and I do not feel like switching out to a dedicated machine just for one sa-mp serv I have a ...
Quote: Originally Posted by RDM Protection for this attack! add these rules in Hardware firewall and block 95 % fake packets ! I t...
Код: /*============================================================================== [14:52:11] Southclaw's Scavenge and Survive [14:52:11] Copyright (C) 2016 Barnaby "Southclaw" Ke...
@vinilol321 nao leu direito? Se eu soubesse nao estaria perguntando...Ainda escrevi bem la embaixo: Me avisa ai se voce desclobrir algo sobre essas tabelas. Alem do mais o exemplo esta ali postado! S...
@LukeCage Compilei um streamer pra Debian Linux pra mim e funcionou. Caso voce necessite e use Linux experimenta, tai nos anexos. O meu compilou tudo certinho, eu carreguei a gm no server, mas ele ...
I use this script for testing because i want load zombies on my server. I trying a lot of days, but for me nothing works... Code: // ------------- NPC zombie test and example script // RNPC 0.4 (26....
Anyone can Help me, maybe? I try so long time to get a few zombies, but nothing works for me! Quote: [20:43:02] [debug] Server crashed while executing zombie2.amx [20:43:02] [debug] AMX b...
save-load.pwn la na Pasta sss/core/Player/save-load.pwn vai nesse arquivo e cria uma nova variavel para o score! No salvar e no carregar! Isso que os caras tao te falando, ja percebeu ne? Que e mentir...
Vou repetir......pela terceira vez..... pro sabichao! EU estou rodando o Release 1193 sem mexer em Nada e mesmo assim tenho o Bug da duplicacao! Eu nunca disse que Esse eh um bug que o south deixou n...
Se tivesse lido bem direitinho, talvez e isso muito vagamente, voce teria entendido que: o Problema eh a compilacao! E o que significa? Estamos no mesmo barco Agora para os menos iluminados!!! Que e...
Anyone help me? How i can fix the duplication bug of bagpack, hats, masks and armour, when i UNwear them and wear again, the script doesnt destroy them in hand, so i have 2 of them one weared and one ...