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In the command /onduty put this admTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AdmDuty", 1000, 1, "i", playerid); Create a func AdmDuty(playerid) in it it should count every sec, like this PHP код: {sec[play...
I have this code, and the textdraw are not showing, if anything is after the TextDrawShowForPlayer nothing is happening. PHP код: CMD:buycar(playerid, params[]) {     if(logged[playerid]Â...
The RP is not sending to the database. What can I do? PHP код: public SaveAcc(pname[24], money, bankmoney, ip[39], level, rp) { new query[600]; printf("UPDATE `accounts` SET `Money`Â...
I want to save the date and time when the player last connected but isnt working. Could anybody help? PHP код: new data[6]; getdate(data[2], data[1], data[0]); gettime(data[3], data[4], d...
So I have a TextDraw for the businesses and the Enter Price is not showing it always shows 0$, the int for enterprice is loading from the data base. Other things are working that's the single thing th...
Warning: client exceeded 'ackslimit' (48808264) Limit: 10000/sec First i changed the ackslimit to 10000 in hope to not get this error again. but i got it again. Any help?
Problem: I made a Bus Driver Job, so when you do /startjob you get the bus and when you get at the first checkpoint it's not setting the second one. /startjob PHP код: CMD:startjob(playerid, ...
Thanks didn't know that the cases are starting from 0
I have a problem with this help dialog, when i select the first item it close, and when i select the second it shows the 2nd dialog... OnDialogResponse PHP код: case DIALOG_HELP:       ...
This is not sending can somebody say me why? PHP код: new query[256], nume[144];         GetPlayerName(playerid, nume, sizeof(nume));         mysql_format(SQL, query, siz...
I have a command /towcar when i write /towcar 1 for car 1 is working but when i write /towcar 2 for car 2 is saying: UNKNOW COMMAND PHP код: CMD:tracteaza(playerid, params[]) {     new st...
How can i get the playerid name from this car[playerid]?
Code PHP код: P_Data[playerid][pCarHealth1] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "CarHealth1");  Error: PHP код: warning 213: tag mismatch 
I created a custom vehicle system with DS and when you exit it respawns.... Why? Buy button: PHP код: else if(clickedid == testeaza[playerid])     {         if(GetPlayerMoney(pla...
Can somebody give me a vehicle system that works with the R34+ versions of mysql? All that i searched, tutorials and FilterScripts we're on the old versions....
I watched a lot of tut but they were on R6 or R5 Mysql i want R34+