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Quote: Originally Posted by TheHonnor 1. Niciodata nu a existat/nu există/nu va exista un server cu 1000 de sloturi, pentru că pur și simplu lumea din ziua de azi preferă serverele Rol...
Ma grabesc destul de mult, asa ca nu pot chiar acum sa fac quote-uri frumoase cum ai facut si tu, desi de obicei fac, asa ca voi raspunde cu cate ceva scurt si la obiect la fiecare 'punct' al tau. - ...
Quote: Originally Posted by CaDDySaMp "adaugand chestii noi (nu luate din alte servere, ci facute de la 0) " Tu ai copiat mesajele, dialoguriile , dupa un server romanesc , nu dau nume ...
Quote: Originally Posted by lolcik Pai am gasit asta insa daca sterg imi da erroare la pawn ...Mai exact ce sa sterg ? Iti recoman...
E ineficient sa folosesti 4837362 de comenzi de forma /setlevel, /setvip, /setcash, bla, bla, bla... Server-ul meu are una si buna: /set Nu este facuta de mine, ci de Eddu, din cate tin minte... Ori ...
Multi dintre voi m-ati contactat pe Yahoo! Messenger (pe ID-urile mele pe care le-ati aflat de pe sau de la alte persoane care ma cunosc) pentru a ma intreba chestii legate de GameMode... Ori...
Quote: Originally Posted by KnowNN Apreciez descrierea, dar poti sa imi spui daca are buguri? Da, are... Nu a avut cine sa le mai repare, ti-am zis, am renuntat la tot... Quote: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by xKingBoxing Foarte frumos Gamemode-ul , felicitari pentru munca depusa . Multumesc frumos! Sper sa iti fie de ajutor.
Quote: Originally Posted by pulan Frumos gm Bravo ! Mulțumesc! Sper să te ajute 😊
Quote: Originally Posted by KnowNN Foarte frumos, Bravo! Multumesc, apreciez!
eXtreme Stunt World (V1 - 0.3.7) • Informatii (Must Read!) Acest GameMode este unul facut 90% de mine ([XSW]RullZ_, [XSS]Seby, [RNG]Seby, care cum ma stiti) si 10% de alti doi Scripteri care au fost...
Oh, it's very good now! Thank you very much, you're a savior! There is just one more last small problem... Instead showing 'Molotovs', the Dialogs are showing 'RocketLauncherMolotovs'... There is a s...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jefff Yes sscanf returns INVALID_PLAYER_ID instead -1 ( I don't know why, maybe bug or old version sscanf ? ) if you type only /weaps Why in SendClientMessage...
No.. That's not what I wanted... Now, when I type /weaps and I don't complete the param, it gives me the Player Not Connected Error, and when I complete the param (for example /weaps 0), it shows me a...
It gives me those errors: Код: D:\Altele\SAMP\XSW V1\gamemodes\XSW.pwn(8692) : error 017: undefined symbol "weapon" D:\Altele\SAMP\XSW V1\gamemodes\XSW.pwn(8693) : error 017: undefined symbol "we...
Hello, guys! I want to make a command that, when you type /weaps [ID], it shows you selected player's weapons, and when you type just /weaps (without completting the param), it shows you a Dialog Sty...
Pf... I was thinking about this problem for about 2 weeks, and I realize again that the basics are killing me ). Thank you very much, you solved my problem!
Hi, guys! I want to make a /mp3 System based on What I want exactly is, after the player clicks on a PlayList, it will be automatically generated from a .txt file on my WebHost as a DIALOG...