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So today I was wondering if it is possible to create a macro "#redefine"? Was thinking something like this: Код: #define redefine %0 %1 #if defined %0 #undef %0 #endif #define %0 %1 Then I would...
The problem is solved this way:
How do you detect the player removing their jetpack?
What mistake does it make? Tell us more about the problem, please.
Quote: Originally Posted by SytonicX Try using Код: Ply_Info[MAX_PLAYERS][Ply_Data] //place the things inside the Ply_Data instead of the " Ply_Data " /* Example: If(FetchDataFromPly_D...
Hello everyone, I was wondering whether it is possible to make a function which would fetch data from an enum. I want to do this so I can access the enum's data in another file that I have included li...
Quote: Originally Posted by dotSILENT It's very likely, however afaik it's not hooking the server's raknet but creating it's own instance so I don't know what would be the problem. Is it e...
Quote: Originally Posted by dotSILENT That's really weird, I just tested it on both linux & windows, vehicles created with both CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicle worked fine. The curr...
Quote: Originally Posted by dotSILENT Make sure you input float values with a dot and not a period (0.1 etc) Also, there are value-correctness checks, you can see the proper value ranges h...
I'm using the testing filterscript and I keep getting "Failed to set handling value, check if it's correct". Can someone help?
Hello sampers, I was wondering what's the difference between "#define something 5" and "#define something (5)"?