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Quote: Originally Posted by Zeus666 Код HTML: forward Airdrop(); public Airdrop() { Delete3DTextLabel(airlabel); DestroyObject(air); airlabel = Create3DTextLabel("{fff700...
Quote: Originally Posted by Zeus666 Yeah but it modifies the timer. I don't want to modify the timer, I just want to drop an airdrop instananeusly and let the timer how it is So what y...
Yes I know this is not related to sa-mp! But since I've tried other forums etc with little to no help I'm desperate. What I need help with is this code: PHP код: SELECT * FROM [Database1].[d...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stinged Thank you
Quote: Originally Posted by jlalt You don't need to forward it even, PHP код: LoadPlayerInfoOffline()  {  For someone who doesn't know, could you explain the difference?
I can not convert it for you but I can try give you some help for how you can do it. You would first need to store the players IP (When he connect or disconnect) in some file with his name for easier ...
Post your givemoney command, and the detection code EDIT: My guess is you don't use the same "give money function"
Can you show the command/w,e you use to start the audio
Are you sure you send it to all playerids on the server and not just a specific one. Been a long time since I was learning and hopefully someone corrects me if I'm wrong but don't yoou have to create ...
And since noone else told you, these codes will give you 50k each time you connect, so if you save a players cash upon exit he will go 50k+ each time he connects.
Under ongamemodeinit add this pawn Код: ManualVehicleEngineAndLights();