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Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack pawn Code: new indexes[5], count;static const item_names[][] ={    {"chair"},    {"box"},    {"tv"},    {"couch"},    {"bed"}};for(new i =...
Thank you for your suggestions, but is there a way to do it with what is given right now?
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack In that case: pawn Код: new a[5];a[0]=1;a[1]=4;a[2]=0;a[3]=7;a[4]=0;----------------------------------new b[5][2], count;for(new i = 0; i < 5;...
I realised my last thread wasnt informative enough so I decided to create a new one I have 5 item names. I need to find which of these item values aren't equal zero and then randomly choose one of th...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack pawn Код: new a[5];a[0]=1;a[1]=4;a[2]=0;a[3]=7;a[4]=0;----------------------------------new b[5], count;for(new i = 0; i < 5; i ++){    if(a...
Код: new a[5]; a[0]=1; a[1]=4; a[2]=0; a[3]=7; a[4]=0; I need to find which of these variables aren't equal zero and then randomly choose on of them (of those that aren't equal 0). I guess start...
When I turn on samp through sandbox and join any server, it turns on samp for a second (black loading screen) and then it goes off. Everything is okay when I try to connect with samp without sandbox. ...
When I turn on samp through sandbox and join any server, it turns on samp for a second (black loading screen) and then it goes off. Everything is okay when I try to connect with samp without sandbox. ...
Does work for you guys? I get Error 522 Connection timed out
If I spawn vehicle set it health as 180 it starts burning and explodes. It's okay, I want that to happen. Problem is that when it explodes OnVehicleDeath callback does not respond. What could be cause...
Okay so I fixed VehHealth by using cache_get_andsoon function after creating vehicle. But now I can't get other Vehicle stats mysql log : Код: [20:03:03] [DEBUG] cache_get_field_content_int - ro...
Quote: Originally Posted by Runn3R Where do you change your Veh health? Have you checked your mysql_log yet? Why would I check mysql_log? I change vehicle health after vehicle has been...
Ok, so I noticed 1 thing. I haven't post full code at first because I though it was unnecessary Код: new vehicleid; PVeh[vehicleid][VehModel] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "VehModel"); PVeh[...
Код: enum VehData { Float:VehHealth }; new PVeh[MAX_VEHICLES][VehData]; public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { new query[120]; mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WH...
Problem solved in a strange way : I just copied my whole gamemode code, created new pawn document, pasted my code there, compiled and ran that gamemode - everything worked fine.
Quote: Originally Posted by Chump Why is the player's name being escaped? It's completely unnecessary. Change '%e' to '%s', and increase the size of 'query'. It seems that there isn't eno...
my PlayerNameGet function btw stock PlayerNameGet(playerid) { new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); return pName; }
Код: mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query),"UPDATE `accounts` SET `Veh`=1 WHERE `Name` = '%e'" ,PlayerNameGet(playerid)); mysql_tquery(mysql, query, "", ""); printf("%s", query); printf("%s", P...
Quote: Originally Posted by SecretBoss Just go to .all files (types) and write then you can go to language button to change the colors I saved file like you said " ...
Include itself has no warnings or errors. But when I save it with UTF-8 encoding and try to #include it in my gamemode I always get Код: error 010: invalid function or declaration I tried it with ...