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Hello, I am new to mysql and i get the following MySQL error in my server_log, so my server keeps crashing. Код: [06:26:44] [MySQL] Error (0): Could not execute query. Unknown column 'town' in ...
Hello, I am having this Error while starting my server. Error: Function not registered: 'NetStats_PacketLossPercent' Here is the full log. Код: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ...
Код: #include <a_samp> #include <a_sampdb> #include <mysql> #include <a_http> #include <required/crashdetect> #include <streamer> #include <progress> #inc...
I am getting error while starting the server on linux host. In local host, its working file. Here is the log with error. Код: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedi...
When I am starting my server, all plugins & filterscript loading but gamemode does'nt. Код: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ------------------...
Hey.... Can anyone can tell/help me ...I want a simple function that will get player's Country name from his IP. I want to do this OnPlayerConnect. So ... Player #PlayerName is Connected to server ...
Actully i can't do that "Save Status Everytime when it changed" because My GM is so bIG....
I already done it for PPC_Housing...It has 7 Warnings but its working. I Prefer Remove Car System from house system and Use AVS. Because I ll do it too Because your house system is not made for this...
But I just want to /gmx....gamemodeexit still does'nt called ?
My Server is don't saving accounts !! on Server Restart/Crash !! But It saves on OnPlayerDisconnect !! Anyone know ? How to Call OnPlayerDisconnect before GamemodeExit ? I tried - -Using the savi...
edit - fixed my self :P,remove this