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Quote: Originally Posted by Mencent PHP код: SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 10, 407.3594,2454.5784,16.5000, 19,2,MAPICON_GLOBAL); //Desert Airport SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 9, Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mencent Hello! You have to change the parameter "style". Probably you have the style value "0", change this to "1". When you don't know what I mean, you can s...
So in my TDM server GM, I have Capture points all over San Andreas. The problem is that, The player can see the Capture points map icon in the Minimap only if he is near to it. I want it to be shown i...
Quote: Originally Posted by SoldierX We need immediate staff for our World At War [COD] TDM Server Administrators Game Testers. Mapper ( Will be given Senior Administrator position in gam...
We need immediate staff for our World At War [COD] TDM Server Administrators Game Testers. Mapper ( Will be given Senior Administrator position in game to have access to mapping points ) Scripter Fo...
Try - Idk if they still working but you should give a try. Also, I agree with Tomboeg. They might steal your script.
LSRP but since everyone knows about that server, I'd say PR:RP. Project Reality RolePlay. Owned by Jake187, I've been a fan of PRRP since the beginning of it. I guess its around 2009 or 2010. The scri...
If you create a Prison RP server, It'll be the only one in the samp community and that might give you an advantage for players.
Quote: Originally Posted by Krest dillimore is shit and too small. palomino should be the main, and whole red county as the roleplay boundary yes i type in century gothic because im cool ...
Try reinstalling your game client and sa andreas. Might work.
This is like a late question but, From the past few weeks - I've hired a guy for scripting me a scratch made GM based in Dillimore. Its more like a Dillimore Roleplay. I've seen alot of servers try in...
99% of the servers do not run on 0.3c - There is nothing you can do about it. And also, Master List has been discontinued. Download the latest client from and head over to the Downloads ...
Crave Gaming Roleplay, LLC Hey there, I'm the Community Owner of a upcoming gaming community called Crave Gaming. I'm hiring the following people at the moment. If interested, Either PM me on SAMP fo...
They use ENB series for HD version.
Hey there, I have this Biz script from Union Gaming RP script. I edited it quite good, ( cause My scripting levels are kindda low ) - I just want the /lock command to be used by admins where all the B...
Crave Gaming Looking for the following people, PM me on forums if interested. Skype me if possible: mr.vaddiparty Two General Administrators One Chief Helper LSPD and EMS Faction Leader Getting into ...
1) Try on Local host to make sure it isn't the host's problem. 2) Check and Fix your Gamemode. 3) Update Plugins and Includes ( Noob Advice, But it's usually a problem )
Posts: 486 Reputation: 31, You should've some common sense not to post on this section. Post here:
I'm starting up a new community and I need some suggestions, 1) Which Webhost is trustable? 2) Which website offers a easy template to use for my Community Domain? 3) Which Forum Software is easy and...