Search Results
A lot of the "missing skins" are mostly just cutscene ones that wouldn't work. You can tell by their eyes and (sometimes) blocky lighting. However... These skins (FAM4 and FAM5), aren't cutscene s...
Sun - I see no reason why this is disabled, or why the sun corona would be a problem. Motion Blur - Some people like this, others don't. Personally it bothers me, but I don't see how it affects a mul...
Quote: Originally Posted by Emmet_ A server isn't any extra special because it's on the hosted tab... Hosted tab is the first tab I go to when looking for servers...
It's possible to have just grass in SA-MP without having to sync any of the rocks or solid plants that block the player. You can enforce a procobj.dat file like this: Код: P_SAND sand_combush0...