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This is completely for testing purpose. Thanks alot!
Hello, I've got something very weird going on here. I'm trying to connect to my database using MySQL, but it fails to find the db somehow. My MySQL is running, been using it for my website for qu...
Thank you, worked like a charm!
Can someone please help me to find the mistake? So, the problem is, params[0] acts weird... First of all it does not really check if params[0] is smaller or bigger then the allowed amount, also it ta...
It's basicly the same thing, it just checks if the car is in the range....
Hey. I'm failing to attach someones car to Tow car. The idea is simple, Mechanic attaches someones car to his own truck and then pulls it to where it should be. Код: CMD:towcar(playerid, params...
Hey. I wanted to know is it possible to spawn an object on trains trailers. My idea was to Get the vehicle ID, then get the trailer id and in the end attach the object to the trailer. But it does not ...
I checked my code. All the other enums has smicolons. Quote: enum aInfo { id, aText[128], aName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], aPhone, }; new AdvertInfo[MAX_ADVERT][2][aInfo]; #define MAX_RANK 5 ...
It is right beside all the other enums. Location should be ok.
None of that works. I did change the name of the enum, but the same effect. Also, if i disable that enum, it compiles just fine.
Alright so, i replaced it to: Quote: #define MAX_RANK 5 enum RaceRanking { place, name, time, date }; new ranking[MAX_RANK][RaceRanking]; But that does not fix anything. It ...
Hey. So i was trying to make a new table inside my DB, but as soon as i try to compile my pawno it drops the "Pawno library has stoped working" thingy. So heres what ive done: I did make the table i...
Well the command is used like /onetwothree 2 2 represents the players ID. Like, if player A wants to sell something to player B, than 2 represents the player B ID. Anyways how do i save the players...
So heres a code. Its a command that lets player A to sell something to player B. PHP Code:         case D_Tuning+29:         {             if(response)       Â...
Hello. Im not quite familiar with timers. Today i wanted to do a timer, that adds a value to a variable each minute. so this is what i came up with: PHP код: forward RudaTime(); //On gam...
Hello. Im using admantis afterlife system ( on my GM. It works just fine if im alone. After dieing, it counts 30 secs and then spawns me...
Nvm. Figured out by my salf. Sorry.
Hey. Was working on my first dialog ever and im facing something weird. So heres the code: in public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) i added: PHP код: ...
Hey. So i was working on a car respray system. What i wanted to do is, After car enters a garage and the owner uses the command /respray, Gates of the garage gets closed, then while the gates are clos...