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plenty but you're in the wrong section
Код: new animalname[4] = "dog"; if(strtolower(animalname)[1] == 'o') { // code here } I think this should do
The function doesn't have a "playerid" parameter
If there's 2 people with the same bit that's being searched for it returns the one closest to ID 0
Quote: Originally Posted by Genjii1337 BTW, i found the solution, etc etc i have a new question, how can i send the alerts from AC(speedhack, aimbot, etc) in normal chat. (i have a public ...
Say what this is not a "request a scripter to make a script for you" section
The long awaited blessing!
Make the number that's being called a string. Append a number to the end of the string (if you want numbers to start with 0, if not then theres no need for strings) Check if phone number exists Cal...
Currently have these installed on my server: And I'm still getting these errors. @XeonMaster there's no such thing in server manager?
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi You not only need to install the 2015 runtimes, but a lot more of them. Check my started threads for a list of the cruntimes that you can install. Ch...
If I try to run this locally (on my own pc) it works all fine, if I try to run it from my Windows Server I'm getting the following in my server log. Код: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.tx...
Make your own healthbar doing something like this "||||||||||"
Quote: Originally Posted by MerryDeer I'am using escaping in php. Like player input something i save with escaping. In other php i load that collum, because i need that value update anothe...
Only time you'd want to escape strings is when you accept the user's input into something. If you're executing your own queries which doesn't require user input you don't need to escape it.
How do you expect us to help you if you don't have code? PHP код: IsSlotEmpty(playerid, index) {    switch(index) {        case 1: return plyInfo[playerid][pSlot1] == 0; Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR Or.. you know, you could go with the obvious and easier way which is also more optimized. PHP код: CMD:sellinfo(playerid, params[])  {    ...
The command: PHP код: CMD:sellinfo(playerid, params[]) {     SendClientMessageFormatted(playerid, -1, "houseselling: %i, housesql: %i, houseseller: %i pid: %i", houseselling[p...
If you wish to attach text to a player until they manually remove it/disconnect/etc then attach a label, if you wish to only show this text temporarily (eg 10 seconds) then set a chat bubble.
Don't know if it's fixed yet but Код: "Jucatorul %s a fost omorat de adminul %s[ID:%d] (Motiv: %s)" Код: pName(id), id, pName(playerid), playerid, reason