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Quote: Originally Posted by IceBilizard Something like this? PHP код: #define DIALOG_SHOWLIST 1 CMD:stats(playerid, params[]) {     new string[20];     if(PlayerInfo...
Hello there, I am trying to make a stats dialog for a player. The problem i am facing is i don't know how to make Dialogs like If my faction rank is 0 = No If my faction rank is not 0 = YES (Rank: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by JaKe Elite Perhaps change > 1 to > 0. Because > 1 means greater than 1 (which will ignore 1 but will accept 2), whilist > 0 will ignore zero but wi...
Sean, Few years ago. I downloaded a Basic CnR Gamemode from samp forums. I started editing it, I was total nub that time. Still, I tried my best. Whenever, I needed any help, I asked in sa-mp forums...
I sort it out myself. <Fixed>
Nice Release. +rep I have having some issues while running this gamemode, My Server Crashed after sometime when i joined server. here's the log - PHP Code: ---------- Loaded log file: "serv...
At top Код: #define COLOR_ADMIN 0x4169FFAA forward SendClientMessageToAllAdmins(msg[]); Command for PM, use zcmd if you want, its more faster. Код: dcmd_pm(playerid,params[]) { new string[12...
Hello, I am getting this warning. beta.pwn(4336) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "playerid" . and here is the line, 4336. Код: stock IsNearATM(playerid) { new bool:IsClose = false; ...
Hello guys, I created this command, to set faction rank. It does it jobs, It gives the correct player the rank, But I make a new 2 new strings, 1st of send Faction rank 4+ Client message, and secon...
I am creating a Filterscript Exit System, So i can unload manually everytime, So, My question is, After the Filterscript is re-loaded, This Loop will see if any player is connected if yes then a tim...
Please Update your Topic. It is /buyhouse LOL
LOL, I can see a samp hacking software in your Screenshots. Btw Nice Work.
ohk Thanks Let me Check if it Works now EDIT : WORKING ! THANKS ! +Repped