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Quote: Originally Posted by Riddick94 Think of adding a new liner using "\n", since you can put in chat over 64 characters (twice of that can be inserted). Also, I'd personally aligned tex...
Quote: Originally Posted by LOCS Use full thanks for the release bro *thumbs up* Thank you!
Check out your defined arrays, you'll find an array whose index is lesser than it should be. For example, an array "new Job[10]" with an index 10, can not store more than 10 values, but somehow a fun...
Quote: Originally Posted by Marcuse Its really great! I think i will find a good use for this on my server! Rep Thank you and good luck! Quote: Originally Posted by Sreyas ...
Код: CMD:slap(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) { new id,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],msg[128], reason[64], string[128], idname[MAX_PLAYER_NAM...
Textdraw Chat Panel Introduction: This is a chat panel made at the bottom right of the screen using Textdraws. How does it work? Код: (1) createChatPanel(); (2) destroyChatPanel(); (3) hidePlay...
Код: if(strfind(string, use[i], true) != -1) print("Successfully found in the string."); else print("Could not find.");
AH, sorry, I misunderstood, my bad. I'd suggest you to make a dialog for that. This should contain all your work names. Код: new Work[MAX_WORKS][128]; /takework Код: new str[512]; for...
No, it wont arrange the works if not set, and if you want work to start from 1 rather than 0 then; /works command: Код: for(new i=1; i<11; i++) { new str[128]; format(str, 128, "Work %...
I'm not sure about this but there is nothing wrong with a try? check out your 'samp.ban' file in your server directory if it has any IP which is related to NPC's IP (maybe a range)
Код: new PlayerWork[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_WORK]; // Or whatever your variable is which stores player's work value, if its not like this, I suggest using it in array like this. Now /works should be like...
Quote: Originally Posted by PuN1Sh3r for gamemodes or Filterscript I'd suggest to make something like this in gamemode, but it's a general tutorial on how to make something like this, s...
You need a link to that song to any web-server which supports the music streaming and you can store that link in a global string variable in your script, something like this. Код: new yourstr[] =...
I'm sorry bro but I won't be able to help you privately, it's against the rules to help privately. You can post only this function code and I'll try my best to resolve the issue for you. If not, you c...
Something is wrong with your encryption plugin, what kind of password encryption are you using? Make sure you're using same versions of that plugin for both windows & linux (.dll & .so)
Make sure you have the function you're calling in the script, it should look like this Код: forward HideDescriptionText(playerid); public HideDescriptionText(playerid) { TextDrawHideForPlayer...
Look out if there is an extra '}' before the line it's giving error on. If this doesn't help, please post the full code of this function from where it is starting.
Make sure there is no missing bracket before the start of this code, your code seems fine. Try commenting out some of the previous part to check if something is wrong with it.
When person enters the truck. Код: new str[512]; for(new i=0; i<MAX_ROUTES_YOU_DEFINED; i++) { if(strlen(MisLocationsCargo[i][LoadName])) format(str, 512, "%s%s\n", str, M...