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Thanks for you helps guys, but when I try bucks code it comes up with 8 new errors! With respect I'll say again all that is wrong is that the server doesn't save the users data but everything else wor...
Do this: Код: YCMD:kk(playerid, params[], help) if(isnull(params)) { Kick(playerid); return 1; } Basically what this will do is kick the player using the hack from the server once they try to use ...
Can you please show me the code/line where it f**** up.
So I have completed my whole Game Mode, so HAPPY! And I have a register system and everything. Once they have registered it saves the users data in Script-files into an INI file with their user name ...
Alright thank you everyone . By the way I did use ****** before I posted here, it's not that easy to find what you need! Also I will do code like this now, didn't know: Код: Blah...
/buy command is for when you go into a 24/7 shop and type /buy, then a menu comes up and you can buy stuff like; rope, burger, cellphone, bat... I got the ask and reply command done and it works,thank...
I am making a game mode and I am using strcmp and zcmd for my commands. I understand strcmp is not a command processor but it's for the simple commands like /rules. Anyway... How can I make an /ask,...
Thank you everyone, I'll do what DobbysGamertag said. I'll learn my Pawno scripting first before I actually start trying to make a custom server (if people are still playing SA-MP by that point Thanks...
Here is the code for the first error, on line (25): minigun = 0; mgun[MAX_MINIGUNS] vehhasminigun[MAX_VEHICLES] laser[MAX_PLAYERS] vehhasmissile[MAX_VEHICLES] vehhascargo[MAX_VEHICLES] vehhaswindshiel...
I am new to PAWNO and I have a finished script here that I downloaded, but when I try to compile 5 errors come up: C:\Documents and Settings\SERVERS\Desktop\My SA-MP Server\gamemodes\elr.pwn(25) : er...
This is my own server by the way. Its the East Coats Role-play server script I downloaded from (because I was having trouble making my own game-mode), I double click samp-server.exe and the ...