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I trying to make a player3dtext with this code example = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(playerid,"{FFFF00}This is the text {FF4500}", 0xFF0000AA, X, Y, Z, 30.0, 1 ); X, Y ,Z is the player pos which is GetPla...
Код: new string[128], Float:heal, price; if(sscanf(params, "sfi", string, heal, price)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "? /createsprunk [vendingmachine] [heal bonus] ...
These maps are very good, Thank you for realease these maps, Rep+
I had add for my gamemode which all the gun will have bullets.But after shoot out all the ammo, my game is not reponding, all the time which i try to test shoot out the ammo again the game is not resp...
So is there any way to do this
Is this possible if i want setplayercameralookat and setplayercamerapos in interior And can i make setplayerpos which is switch random from the list i make and in interior
Код: if(strcmp(params, "car", true) == 0) { Line 42239 if(VehicleOffer[playerid] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(IsPlayerConnected(VehicleOffer[playerid])) { ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Suicidal.Banana Strange Can you help me sir
Quote: Originally Posted by Suicidal.Banana BAT_IDLE too?? that seems like the perfect name for the animation your looking for IT not i have try it and it not. Here is the vid of that a...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kaliber Maybe just watch under the "Baseball" Lib: and just try them I had try all of it but all that animation i...
Any one know the animation that the player carry the bat on their soulder and dam the bat on their hand
Quote: Originally Posted by NeamPojma Fishing animation : pawn Код: ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); I will look for whisper one Is that 0.3....
Do anyone know the whisper animation and the fishing animation I try to find in wiki sa-mp i cant found it
really nice rep, but can you tell me how to put this code to pawno and compile it, i tried on a lot of texture map(texture studio) but when i compile it show a lot of warn
But if i put { under public onlifterscript The map will compile with out texture (
So after make a map and texture it. I have the code but i dont know how to compile it, help me ) I put the code like this #include <a_samp> #include <streamer> new tmpobjid; public OnFilt...
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael B The map has a lot of mistakes. First of all, some objects are not placed properly. Secondly, there are a lot of useless objects. Finally, you removed ...