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Quote: Originally Posted by Lorenc_ There is no 'script' or anything in simple nature, that's why it costs thousands to mitigate. You need to pay for a good host that embeds protection or...
Hi i have made moving objects (moveobjects) in one command which is this one PHP код: if (strcmp (cmdtext, "/mer", true) == 0)         {         {         MoveObj...
Quote: Originally Posted by Rodri99 Anyone know a script or a software to install on the Linux VPS and get protected by DDoS attacks? My server crashed yesterday while 87 players online a...
Quote: Originally Posted by XYZero [08:30:14] >-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [08:30:14] 0 Businesses Successfully loaded and created [08:30:...
Quote: Originally Posted by TD3Jay I had the same issue, are you running it on a server you bought? if so then do you know if its a linux or not? Your server doesnt have the libraries it ...
Hello I am trying to run a server but perhaps it says this in the server log PHP код:  ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ------------------...
Quote: Originally Posted by Inn0cent You are using the new version of MySQL while script is using old version. Try using R6 version. Thanks it worked but what if i want to host my serve...
Hello, I downloaded a gamemode and i am not really good at mysql well i am a noob lets say it like that, accounts are not saving and yes i already did upload .sql file into mysql database but somethin...
Hi, I am trying to open a russian gamemode and it had its own mysql in it that was not working. I assume the error was that I have a new mysql and the one in the gamemode is old, so I updated mysql an...