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Код: public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid,cmdtext[ ],success) { { if(!success) return SCM(playerid,-1,"[INFO] "RED"You have entered the wrong command | type /commands for a list of comman...
Great map, love it - It would've been better if you actually put the town hall in the middle surrounded by those plants, water etc - Great job, dude! +rep
Looking to see some pictures - Really tempted to add something like this
Thanks, guys! Hoping to get some rep from this lol - I need to post a samp ad real soon
Quote: Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE It's cool, I guess. Why post it twice? Idk, he just asked if he can post it too to gain rep so I said sure, why not
Dw he's a friend of mine, I allowed him to post it too.
Gang House Interior Hey, guys - I was bored and wanted to map something so I thought and thought until I came to the conclusion of creating a new gang house/hq interior. It's one of my first maps and ...