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one more problem when i go to the zip checkpoint it sends me back to the urban store it should send me to the DS checkpoint but it dosent
oh shit most of my problems is typo lmao thanks man
hello i have made this small system to deliver clothes to stores everything works as it should only one small problem when i enter the urban checkpoint nothing happen the checkpoint dosent disappear a...
Quote: Originally Posted by iSpark You placed the brackets wrong. if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 414) Thank you man
Hello i have made this command to strat the job only if player in vehicle id 414 else it wont but even if i get in vehicle id 414 the job wont work and i get the "You need mule van to start this job" ...
Hello i have this so if player enter the ammunation it will play the ammunation sound for him but i hear nothing it doesn't work! PHP код:   else if(pickupid == pBigaEnter)   {     ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Akeem Try putting 2 /t from the first 3 items and 1 /t for the other 2 items. Thank you that helps i have put 3 of /t and it looks fine now
i made this but i dont know how the \t thing works exactly i never copy anything i learn about it first then i type my own code in my way
hello i have made this command to show the player stats i have only one problem i want the green text all to be like Sniper Headshots and weapon headshots if u got me!, thanks PHP код: CMD:...
Hello i want if player get in ambulance he gets message type /paramdic to start the job this code dosent work it sends nothing to me Код: public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) ...
Hello i've this command to set wanted level everything is fine, but i want if i didnt type the reason it will set the player's wanted without reason but that didnt work its keep asking me to put the r...
PHP код: COMMAND:givecar(playerid, params[]) { // Check if the player's admin-level is at least 1 if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 1) { } else return 0; new id, cari...
give me an example please!, i got error "the line is too long" whatever
Hello is there a way to make this code short PHP код: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,5,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"IDs","{FF0080}1 {C0C0C0}Spine\n{FF0080}2 {C0C0C0}Head\n{FF0080}3 {C0C0C0}Left upper ...
is this the only way?, and how i can get hex of the orginal color? sorry
Hello i want to change just the number 123 color and the rest i want kept it the original dialog color but its changed as well PHP код: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,54,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"blala"...
hello how to create object with id so when i create object with command it got his own id example object id: 10 Model id: 19510 etc...