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The title is the error I get, here's the code. Whats the problem? pawn Код: new Interiors[INT3][Interiors4] = {{17,-25.884498,-185.868988,1003.546875,"24/7 1"},{10,6.091179,-29.271898,1003.54943...
Quote: Originally Posted by Tirael pawn Код: CMD:checkmask(playerid, params[]){    new maski;    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)    return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, C...
Hello. So I have a mask system at my server, where players can take on a mask and then it shows Stranger_RandomNumber. To make this able to work we made a command so admins can check who's behind th...
Found the object ids, solved.
So I got a new mapping for my server and i put it in and remove the building. But then there's a parking sign and a gate in the middle of the parking lot and i need the objectid of the parking sign/ga...
Quote: Originally Posted by IstuntmanI One of the last brackets is placed wrong: pawn Code: CMD:admins(playerid, params[]){    new string[128], count = 0;    SendClientMessage(playeri...
So I have a command called /admins that shows how many admins are online. Its working good but there is a problem tho. Sometimes the chats get spammed with "There are currently no admins online". T...
So I have a problem with my server. So let's say its regular day, players roleplaying, having fun and then someone gets a timeout. When this player gets a timeout its like 50% chance that he gets th...
Quote: Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx How, what happens ? (Are you a "mask owner") ? The mask label appears but the name tag doesn't disappear.
Quote: Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx Oh I got it, replace pawn Код: ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(playerid, i, true); to pawn Код: ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i, playerid, true); Chec...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack "random" starts from 0. So using "random(4)", your values are 0 to 3. Also I missed the switch Thanks for helping.
pawn Code: new rand = random(4);        case 1: {            gPlayerCheckpointStatus[playerid] = CHECKPOINT_TRASH1;        SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1799.2505,-1808.7913,13.5402, 3)...
Quote: Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx So you have to pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){    ShowNameTags(1);//ADD THIS Didn't help.
pawn Код: CMD:mask(playerid, params[]){  new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];  new string[128];  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaskOwner] == 1)     {   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMask] == 0)  {     ne...
I am searching for a hostedtab for a fair price. I used to be a customer at but they say they don't accept listings at the moment. Also I dont have access to so where can I ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SilentSoul The command he gave you above will just create many pickup's as you want but it will only delete the last one because the array label[playerid] switc...
Quote: Originally Posted by KillerDVX PHP код: new Text3D:houselabel[MAX_PLAYERS]; new housepick; CMD:spawnreqhouse(playerid, params[])  {      if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAd...
Quote: Originally Posted by KillerDVX new Text3D:houselabel[MAX_PLAYERS]; PHP код: CMD:spawnreqhouse(playerid, params[]) {     if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)   ...
Hey guys. So I have this command to spawn a text label and a pickup, now I wanna know how to make a command to delete it. Help will get +rep, thanks. pawn Код: CMD:spawnreqhouse(playerid, params...