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Can someone Remake this script , because they can't sell players car to the ChopSHOp , it should be you can't sell your own Car , but you can sell other players car pawn Код: else if(CP[playerid] ...
How to make Bus Routes for Bus Driver Job?? what's the code , script __________________________________________________ __________________ Social Gaming Roleplay and Hir...
my Onplayertext pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]){    if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] != 1)    {        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You're not logged in.");       ...
Cool , This Map is Cool , But the Buffalo's Horn at the Flightdeck made me Laugh , i'm still laughing!! ahahahaa 9/10
@Barnwell , i mean how to change the damage of Kick Boxing Fight Style same as Normal FightStyle Damage?
@Benzo , Help , when i put that to my OnPlayerText at the Beginning , my PAWNO Crashed i need help please
When i used the Kick Boxing Fight Style I damaged half of Players Life , how to changed it to normal damage like at Normal FightStyle?
Is there a Animation that Handsup , that you can walk?? (For RP Servers) when someone Hostage Crisis this will be helpful
@Brozeus , For example a players talks ICly in RP servers , their Characters will animate the CHAT Animation without Command
How to put the Chat Animation when the Player Chats. Like at LS-RP , PR-RP for example i typed "Hey, I'm the new Worker here" then my player animates the chat Help please
@BroZeus , Thanks Repped , but how did chu' fixed it?? can you tell me how?? so i know later?
Код: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Servers\SGRP\gamemodes\VGRP.pwn(36231) : warning 219: local variable "engine" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Servers\SGRP\gamemodes\VGRP.pwn(3...
When i put this Script pawn Код: forward WireIgnition(playerid, vehicleid);public WireIgnition(playerid, vehicleid){    new rand = random(7), string[128];    PlayerInfo[playerid][pJackingCar] ...
Quote: Originally Posted by TheSimpleGuy Just add it on the same callbacks. I did that , but i have many problems , i think i don't put it properly , i don't know how to connect properl...
How to transfer this Filterscript to my Gamemode? FS pawn Код: #include <a_samp>forward SpeedoUpdate();forward FuelUpdate();new Text:box[MAX_PLAYERS],Text:speed[MAX_PLAYERS],Text:health[MAX...
I did , all you said , now how can i use it?? where?? and how?
Once i have MYSQL Plugins to my Linux , it should be .so right?? then how to use it?
What is the Effect of MYSQL to the server or what is the purpose of it??, Cause i have a server without MySQL , Can you guys explain me?
Can you guys upgrade my /engine command to , if they /engine if they don't have keys they can't start the engine?? i need help Please pawn Код: CMD:engine(playerid, params[]){    if(IsPlayerInA...