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You know you have to first use the /setgangcolor command and set a color and then only it will work.
Why are you even using float? Float is for co ordinates. Quote: new armour, health; Simple as that. "Float" is used for co-ordinates(X,Y,Z) Mostly for getting and saving a play...
In the setgangcolor your using this "color = FamilyInfo[family][FamilyBandana];" but in the bandana command your using "if(FamilyInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pGang]][FamilyBandana] == 0)" Well those are ...
What code is on those lines? 856, 865, 875. If I count them they indicate its, UpdatePlayerJobSalary(playerid); You are missing a parameter there, this is what the error shows. So check it, mostly ...
"C:\Users\ilias_000\Downloads\Ilias\gamemodes\SFCR R PG.pwn(42) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "irc"" This shows that you probably don't have the irc include or you haven't included it on ...
You can use gang zones to do this to start with because you want people to buy some land. Hence you can map lands and mark them as gang zones on the map. A Helpful tutorial on creating gang zones : ...
Okay on the top line where you wrote new MyActor. Change Quote: new MyActor To Quote: new MyActor; Add a ; At then end then try recompiling
It is right actually but what is happening? What's the problem? The Object isn't showing or?
Firstly what is CreateActor? If it is a include then u haven't included it at the top.
I have included it at the top, got it in the includes folder still isn't working. I also searched but didn't find a fix yet. So can anyone help me out here?
Are you saving those somewhere else in the script too ? , Also show the OnDialogResponse Please
Okay so I wanna make a collecting game in which I placed 100 pickups I want them to be Pickups[100] And I did All 100 pickups as Pickups[0] = CreatePickup etc etc . So I want onplayerpickup here and w...
Now I wasn't lazy I was just annoyed as I put a lot time to make something like that , BTW Thanks a Lot
Also now from that I want the selected players ( 4 Players ) to be p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 . Like If I SendClientMessage to p2 the message should go to only p2 and not anyone else. How shall I do that ? Al...
So basically what I wanna do is make a function which can detect if players minimum 4 are in range of a point , if they are I want 4 players to be given a var like example there are four players near ...
I think the timer will work , I do not know much about MYSQL but what I did on my previous scripts which had Y_INI was I made a Function called AutoSave(playerid) in which I placed all my saving vars ...