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Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus Just use the extra id of course. Код: #define PICKUP_TYPE_PIZZA 1 #define PICKUP_TYPE_DILDO 2 Streamer_SetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_PIC...
Hello SA:MP Forums, I've been working on a quest system where you have to pickup 30 pickups with a specific model to gain a prize. I faced a problem which is setting the pickup model in the OnPlayerP...
Quote: Originally Posted by nbx2000 error does not create the table in my phpmyadmin You need to check on the query.
Quote: Originally Posted by nbx2000 this the complete code How do I do it? Код: public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_log(LOG_ERROR | LOG_WARNING); mysql = mysql_connect("", "",...
Quote: Originally Posted by Lokii PHP код: if(SRent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))  What is written after the if statement? I need the next 10-15 lines if possible to chec...
Can you please provide the rest of the code at that part, sometimes the compiler says the error is in a line number, but the true error isn't there, happened to me multiple times.
You have to use the strcat function so that it works. example of strcat: Код: strcat(string, "{FF0000} text1\n"); strcat(string, "{FF0000}1. {FFFFFF}text2.\n"); strcat(string, "{FF0000}2...
Quote: Originally Posted by 99fe3rnando PHP код: COMMAND:winforsir(playerid, params[])  {      if(Player[playerid][vip] > 0)      {          SendClientMess...
Quote: Originally Posted by 99fe3rnando PHP код: COMMAND:winforsir(playerid, params[])  {      if(Player[playerid][vip] > 0)      {          new Float:pos...
Fix this line. PHP код: format(string, sizeof(string), "** Server: {F81414}%s is banned from serve by administator %s! Reason: %s!", ,PlayerName(id), ,PlayerName(playerid), reas...
Hello SA:MP Community, Well I need to add a sound command for my VIP's in the server, I used the PlayPlayerSound code and used some of the Sound ID's in the SA:MP Wiki, but when I came in game to tes...
Quote: Originally Posted by Shinja PHP код: #define MAX_SERVER_VEHICLES 148  Never mind fixed, +REPed.
Quote: Originally Posted by Shinja show this enum __serverVeh Код: enum __serverVeh { Float:vehServerPos[4], vehServerModel, vehicleID, bool:vehicleSpawned }
Hello SA:MP Forums, I was working on my script and I got this error: Код: C:\Users\PC-9\Desktop\Mystic Dawn CnR Server\pawno\include\cnr/ : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ben10000 what should I do bro And thanks Same problem, hope someone helps
Quote: Originally Posted by houssam501 Hey , i guess you want to make a DM/DD training server for your clan from nd I suggest you to not use hwang gamemode , make you own one from scratch...
Quote: Originally Posted by xTURBOx You got extra "}" after the code PHP код: 596-    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_MTA, string); 597    return 1; 598-}//remove this  ...
Hello everyone, while I was working on MTA Deathmatch Race Gamemode script that was made by Hwang, I was adding a Login and Register system, and when I came to compile, I got these errors: Код: C:...
Quote: Originally Posted by youseef why velo's wont work? You need to work on the include of MTA_LOADER in the pawno includes folder, you need to fix a lot of stuff in it like objects s...
Quote: Originally Posted by Parallex The Runtime error 19 is caused by the misconfiguration of plugins. Are you sure you've got the required plugins in the plugin folder? Note: The Pawn ...