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Where can I see the images of the awards?
Quote: Originally Posted by AlamoTR Код: CMD:ann(playerid, params[]) { if(Player[playerid][Level] < 5 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"...
thanks, but it does not work, it keeps crashing
This command causes crash on my server as I fix it? when using the command /ann ~r~text, it is normal but when they write without the ~ provokes crash /ann r~ text Код: CMD:ann(playerid, param...
I have the correct version and I get this error Код: pawno\include\ : fatal error 111: user error: [ADM] You need ColAndreas v1.4.0 (
thanks to both I served the first but keep those scripts solved +1 rep
I need players in jail can not use any kind of commands I have this thanks Код: CMD:jail(playerid, params[]) { if(Player[playerid][Level] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}E...
Hello! I have a problem in my gm with the keys keys is that when pressing shift + right mouse button they cure life as if they used the /sync command some solution? Thank you. -And entered other serv...
Help Code: C:\Users\!\Desktop\English\creator.pwn(7382) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\!\Desktop\English\creator.pwn(7382) : warning 202: number of arguments ...
Hello JaKe Elite I have a problem, try to add more interiors but the output cp is not saved because? I can not leave the house example Код: Name=None Owner=Kaira InteriorName=Casino-Redsands W...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dirki If you want to change to announce to the player who gave the actor damage, replace: pawn Код: SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, string); with: pawn...
I have problem with this script sends messages to all, I want to just send the player to harm the actor Код: public OnPlayerGiveDamageActor...
If I create "CreateDynamicArt3" nothing appears And if I create "CreateArt3" only I get 2
Prueba con el 594 es el mas chico que existe...
I use the game mode attack & defend by draco blue but by putting this I can not spawn Any idea what it might be?
Nice script! I miss something not to use the vehicle without buying
Код: C:\Users\vegalta\Desktop\gm\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype C:\Users\vegalta\Desktop\gm\pawno\include\ : error 025: function ...
Quote: Originally Posted by bm0z Entiendo. Lo primero es poner la lнnea del GetPlayerMoney al principio y no al final. En cuanto al SetTimer y al SendClientMessage, debes de tener en c...
Pues cualquier script de settimer y rangepoint que le pongo no lo reconoce, sobre el dinero me descuenta pero no me prohibe usar el cmd si no tengo el dinero ya lo puse en 1000 si uso el comando igual...