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Hello We seem to have a very strange issue on our server. After about 5 minutes of the server being online, the timers that normally call every second seem to suddenly start being called extremely fa...
Thanks for your reply! Ill definitely give this a good read and definitely looks like the answer.
I wrote myself a simple server and money sided anti-cheat into my gamemode which seems to work fine for the most part. However their are bits of lag where client and server dont seem to quite match up...
Surely....if you used "inputtext" then you want a an input style box not a list box. Meaning you would use this pawn Код: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 22, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Gate Password","Enter...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,0,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"The Rules","(enter your rules here)","Accept","Decline");}public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialog...
Try pawn Код: for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) instead of foreach
Put it in the OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) Everytime a the player moves one through the selection, that event is called. Simply add a switch with "classid" and add the right objects. pa...
Dosent seem like much you can do, unless you have blank spaces if a player is not connected under a valid ID. Example: Viper(ID: 0) None(ID: 1) SuperChock(ID: 2)
On "OnPlayerConnect()", reset all important variables to 0, such admin level. From what i can see, when you login, PlayerInfo varibles are set when a player logs in based on their ini, but are not u...
Just for argument's sake we will say that the admin variable is just "Admin" And that anybody who isnt admin has level 0 (which is probably the case). Change the variable to whatever yours is pawn ...
I just threw this together quickly :O pawn Код: new price = 123, Float:dif; //change to your price amountnew count = 0;new winmsg[70];new pName[24];new string[24];strcat(winmsg, "Today's lotto wi...
If you mean what i think you mean. You probably have code in the OnPlayerText callback. Remove the code from there and make sure you use "return 1;" If ive misunderstood then just ignore me
But this is under OnPlayerSpawn. And theres different code under a timer using "i"
I am making a COD like FFA and have made it so you cant see enemies unless you activate a UAV (/uav cmd) The problem: When a player spawns, the script will check each spawned player if they have a UA...
Alright guys. I dont normally release scripts but ive decided maybe i should start doing it Nothing big just a quicky. Will returns seconds into a proper sentence just like $duration on mIRC. e.g 130...
Use SendPlayerMessageToAll instead. Forces a player to talk so to speak. Then jsut return 0; for OnPLayerText. Sorted
Anybody know the colour code used when you use /pm ? I tried searching and couldnt find it so im asking here.