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For my car system i want to add on /carcolor for hidden color coins. For example when i want to change color 3 in 205 to pay 10 coins. If i have hidden color and i change with another hidden color pay...
For my car system i want to add on /carcolor for hidden color coins. For example when i want to change color 3 in 205 to pay 10 coins. If i have hidden color and i change with another hidden color pay...
I want to put on cars day and kilometers. Help me on this !!
Pentru sistemul meu de masini vreau ca cei care pun hidden pe masina sa ii ia coins de ex 10 coins si daca are deja hodden pe masina sa il schimbe pt 5 coins. Ma puteti ajuta ?
i want a faction punish sistem or faction blacklist
I want a faction punish system please.
eroor pawn Код: C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\ftrp.pwn(7749) : error 017: undefined symbol "save"C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\ftrp.pwn(7749) : warning 215: expression has no effectC:\Users\Alex\Desktop\
when player death with policeskin or terroskin put the old skin
I want to save players skin . When i write a command /maketerro put the terro skin and when i write /makecounter put the police skin. When player die and has terro or police skin put the older skin.
Please make this commands
I want to make me this commands in if(strcmp ...). /pos to get my coordonate , when i write /startfight , appear a message /join , and players write /join get him at my save coordonates of /pos.
Ok but where i find the human body zone i want the chest zone i want like this to don't see the object