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Hello , i was taking a look at operators at wiki but i don't understand on the following code . Please explain this to me. PHP Code: stock BigEndian:operator=(b) {     return BigEndian:(((bÂ...
Hello , i want to know why we need to use variables for enums . For example PHP код: enum Pinfo {     Playermoney,     Playeradmin } new  Playerinfo[MAX_PLAYERS][Pinfo] // Why weÂ...
Hello , i tried to make Vehicle insurance system . But i am facing some bugs . As i don't have any idea of how to make it . Here is the my code . PHP код: new Insurancetimer; new VehicleInsu...
Do you have any code to detect event members?
Thanks all but there was a bug as i posted it . So i was in need of this function but i solved the bug so now don't need this function anymore. Once Again Thanks to all.
Hello , i have a created a stock . Which contain players data (not password , admin lvl etc) . But i want to save that data if player is premium . I mean if a player is premium so if he logout the sto...
Hello , i want to know how to make a vehicle non driveable . i mean player can sit and exit from it but can't drive it.
Quote: Originally Posted by ATGOggy Tried mine? Yes yours.
Same bug . Now player get out of vehicle and enters into it directly (without animation).
Quote: Originally Posted by ATGOggy Where did you put the code? OnPlayerEnterVehicle? OnDialogResponse.when he enter into a vehicle A Dialog appears and he can choose he wanna to buy i...
Quote: Originally Posted by TheRaGeLord For Example If I want to create a house system, then when two players enter two separate houses having same interiors, And I Don't want them to see ...
Hello , i have a bug in my Gamemode but i don't know how to fix it . I tried many of Car Owner Ship Fs . But they are bugged due to a bug in my Gamemode . The Bug is that when player enters into a veh...
Inactive link . Please reupload the file on other website.
Hello , I want to know where i need to put the code when Vehicle Sink in water . For example i want to use SendClientMessage when vehicle sinks in water . So where i need to use it . in OnVehicleDeath...
You just copied the code . Every script have different enums e.g. your script have PlayerInfo[playerid][pLockCar] but mine have different and this don't work because this is just copied .
Hello , i have a dialog option . When player stand on pickup a dialog appears . And he can set any vehicle in his house . But i want to have a function that player can only save the vehicle in which h...
I said i want that in OnEnterCheckPoint not in IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint.
Quote: Originally Posted by Columbian if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 4500) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED," SERVER : You don't have so much money!"); ...