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This plugin not for 0.3.7
Server version: 0.3.7 - R2
Regards to all. I own a samp server but I have a big problem, so I asked if someone could help me, if you do know what the problem is and whether he had some experience with it. It happens that the se...
Regards to all. I own a samp server but I have a big problem, so I asked if someone could help me, if you do know what the problem is and whether he had some experience with it. It happens that the se...
enum player { pPassword[16], pMoney, pAdmin, pHelper, pPromoter, . . . . . . pWanted, pTicket, pZlocin[16] } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][player]; mixing variables from this enu...
The script that I use: Roleplay GM Description of the problem in question : It happens to be simply mixed variables, players receive a level 100+, admin level 100+, 100+ years, not necessarily in ord...
Can anyone explain me how can I get the position near vehicle? for example: trunk, bumpers, doors... Just around the veh... I think it's something with floatsin, floatcos but I don't understand that.....
Is this possible to do? I tried manually to do it, but the problem is that the interpolate camera is accerelating slowly and slows too, and object is moving full speed all the time...
Is it possible to make this trailer always to be like full with coal in it? it seems to change sometimes, sometimes its empty.. I want it to be full if its possible
you probably created object id 4186 or 3985... just delete the Create(Dynamic)Object(... or you have not removed this RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4057, 1479.5547, -1693.1406, 19.5781, 0.25); Rem...
i found how to do it, you can delete this thread
Is it possible to make vehicle rotating in one place? I made it with variables, setting a timer and vehicle z angle but variables cant be decimales and that sucks because vehicle is not rotating smoot...
Is it possible to make vehicle to move without controling it? Like MoveObject, or something...
This is the cmd: Код: YCMD:v(playerid, params[], help) { #pragma unused help #pragma unused params if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicle] != 1) return SCM(playerid,-1,"You don't have a vehicle!"); ...
This is my new map. I hope you like it [ame][/ame]
I need BIG Object for changing the texture with text (setobjectmaterialtext) but i cant find any objects big like this on the picture