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OMG, I loved it, man, you even did that output filters already <3 Thanks, Love from Pakistan!!!
Are the xml files updated to 0.3.7?
Does someone has the xml files used here? As links are down.
Oh thanks, Yes, pottus that's something I am gonna try now. The odd thing... I once tried it back 2 months ago for displaying a list and it worked.
I am using a delay in IRC Messages so they go in order but something odd here... Код: format(string, sizeof(string), "Register Country: %s", country); IRC_DelayedMessage(channel,IRC_LIST_COLOR,s...
Just server rules, eh forgot to mention it's about samp. I tried different languages, most of them are shown as some random letters or '?? ? ? ? ? ?' I downloaded urdu language pack and tried writing...
I have no idea, about how languages work here. I am planning on adding rules to players native language but I wanna know that would it work? I don't have any other languages pack installed on my PC o...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crystallize This has been posted years ago I doubt Kitten has it even stored.Create your own, this one is old and not recommended. Can be optimized, I would ...
That doesn't help, like how would I know this function has what data type?
How do I read packets data? Like how would I know that data this packet has, what type of bits(8,16, etc). Pretty confused, I would like to print out a packet example; const RCON_CALL = 201; This ...
^^ Reason I'm not using it while I will love too when it's fixed.
Saw it today, so took me really long to figure out what the fuck is so special Gotta say it's the best thing ever.
To be honest I don't think it's gonna be possible. If it is that's really gonna be hard and would be limited too.
Does 'stuff.ini' exist? If yes, does it have proper settings?
Quote: Originally Posted by BulletRaja PHP код: stock SendMessageToAdmins(color, const msg[]) {     for (new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)     {         if (pI...
Y_INI or SQLite if you don't have big plans. Y_INI is pawno's so for that you don't have to learn an another language but for using MySQL you need to learn another language. MySQL is easy if you want ...
This should work completely, but if you have something as login check add that before using any command.
PHP код: new themsg[124]="Hey";CMD:message(playerid){    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, themsg);    return 1;}CMD:changemess(playerid, params[]){    if(sscanf(params,...