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How to fix? I use new streamer plugin
OnPlayerGiveDamagenot always working(script bug) and 0.3e very old version
Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR COL_MKEK << this is not a valid color, my guess is it's embedded color ( {color} ) Thank you!!
Hello,how to fix? Thanks for help! Код: CMD:carjacked(playerid, params[]) { switch( strval(params) ) { case 1: LoopingAnim(playerid,"PED","CAR_jackedLHS",4.0,0,1,1,1,0); case 2: LoopingAni...
not work, Onplayerconnect not called , if 24+ player on the server! why? help please
Hey, that would be a problem when the server connects to the players there is no problem, and when the server is already number more than 24 player 0ID of 23ID that time, the players 25 no longer run ...
Hello guys! How to how to do that offline players can get paid? I mean, Registered players who are inactive, receive the money. ( I use dini ) Something solution? Help!
Hello! Please help, This is saving dini, How to change that MYSQL save? Код: Code: stock CKLog(playerid, text[]) { new playerfile[24],string[178], fyear, fmonth, fday, fhour, fminute, fseco...
Hello! Please help, This is saving dini, How to change that MYSQL save? Код: stock CKLog(playerid, text[]) { new playerfile[24],string[178], fyear, fmonth, fday, fhour, fminute, fsecond; ...
only the driver but the passenger seat is not compromised! Help please , Why do not you want to be good? I tried many ways but failed.. if you can answer! public OnPlayerVehicleDamage(playerid, vehic...