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I found the fix for it, if any of you are having a problem like this, you should also get this. (I'm sure it's posted around here also, but here is it again then!) SAMP Streaming Memory Fix 2.2; Do...
No this actually appears even in single player, I think I might have putted alot of mods in the gta3.img file but, there was a fix for this, i've been searching like crazy to find it again. The build...
Hello, I've found it once but i can't find it again, When i open up GTA SA : SAMP, everyting is fine but when i start driving roads and buildings starts to grey-out and i ca'nt really see clearly, I ...
That did not work, I'm get this error when the define is like, #define EchoPort "6667" but when I use it like this #define EchoPort 6667, without the " ", i get no errors, but the bot won't joi...
Hey guys, I'll make this quck! Output, pawn Код: error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) In this part, pawn Код: public ircConn(){    new string[128];    format(string, sizeof(str...
I was away for a while, and yeah there is errors when I compile, on pCuffed(playerid) == 1; pCuffed(playerid) == 0; if(!pCuffed(playerid) == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFFF, "Player ...
Hey guys, I've been trying for 5 days now, to make an arrest command. I have looked on other ppls arrest commands and I have tried to make my own, without any success and I'm getting very frustrated o...
Thank you it works perfectly! and no I did not try that.
Hey guys, I've been trying to set these commands to COPS only but i don't know how to. I have tried a few but it just causes massive errors. pawn Код: CMD:cuff(playerid, params[]){    new targe...
Hello guys, I am using a rob bank script that looks like this: pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#include <zcmd>new timer1new Robbank[MAX_PLAYERS];CMD:robbank(playerid, params[]){    if (R...
Thank you so much, i listened to what you said and also i were thinking that an 'else' was missing somewhere, cuz it somehow didn't sound right so this is how it's now and it works perfectly ! I'd re...
Just send it to the player that types /pb It's when they want to request backup, but they need to be Rank4 in the rank system to actually use it, If you need/want i can post full script here
Then my next question is, when you're done laughing, how can i fix this, to make it work? To prevent this kind of faults in the future. Much appreciation if anyone answer!
Hey guys, as a new scripter to pawno I'm trying to understand dcmd commands, seems pretty easy to do so but here's one problem I have. There's nothing wrong when i compile but when i type /pb ingam...
This thread can be closed, i guess. Thnx guys. Rep+ for all
This topic name might be wrong regarding this subject which i could need some help with, but anyhow. Inside this script part, i'm trying to add that when player /detonate they will get 6 stars wanted...
Thank you so much, and thank you for the // part, helps out alot for a beginner who want's to learn(me) !
I have made this script here and I have a problem with it. It works great but it doesn't show me "Go to Ammunation entrace if you wish to buy guns." when i'm far away, this only shows after i type /wl...
HEy guys, I'm tryin gto add interiors to Gar house, it works out perfeclty BUT when I exit the new added interior i get teleported to the outside as i should except that i get under the map itself, an...