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I would bet because you don't have a break; statement so that it just drops through and repeats the message since there's no default anyway.
Can you show some code or something?
You have to tell us /what/ is not working about it. We cannot guess your problems.
So the user above me gave you a code that should work but I thought I would mention a few specific things I noticed that are slightly problematic... When you are using ZCMD, "u" refers to the ID of t...
PHP код: new ID, rank, string[128];  PHP код: if(rank == '1')         {             PlayerInfo[playerid][nlevel] = 1;             format(stri...
I don't use dini but are you making sure to save whatever variable you have as the player's money under OnPlayerDisconnect? You could also make a function to save the player's data everytime they mak...
Try setting the player's position before you spawn them and see what happens.
Instead of running it as admin, go to your server folder, then go to pawno, then settings.ini and change FileAssoc to 0 and just double click to open the editor. That might help, not really sure
I figured it out. It was some real bullshit but I got it. Thanks for your help dude it pretty much solved the issue in the end.
Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. I even removed TogglePlayerSpectating from the registration to see if that would fix it, and it hasn't. Any more ideas? I saw what you were trying to do with...
Код: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { return 1; } They're all quite empty. Is...
Basically the first time you register your account it's all fine and dandy and you're spawned at the point. But when you relog and come back you just infinitely fall after the login menu. I don't real...
Can you do calculations with two variables? I know in pawn it lets you do this as an ex: Armour + amount Armour / amount Armour * amount Armour - amount Well could you do Armour + Health, two varia...
Quote: Originally Posted by Adarsh007 I am Already Using a Register/Login System with dialogs so I want stats cmd :/ Do you want it in Y_ini or mysql
Quote: Originally Posted by DavidBilla Are the following for loops valid? pawn Код: for(new i=1;i<10;i*=2)for(new i=100;i>10;i/=2)for(new i=25;i>1;i%=10) Also another doubt ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Supermaxultraswag Sup, I made registration with this lesson . Can you show how to make the password change ...
I would simply just rewrite it for you: PHP код: CMD:getip(playerid, params[]) {     if(Player[playerid] [pAdmin] >=1)     {     new targetid, ip[16], string[60];     ...
I think you could just destroy it on logout, and then read from the Vehicles bit of AVS and just load that same car with the exact specifications that it had.
Quote: Originally Posted by Clad Well it will be needed only when he try to make a level which is not between that values. ahh okay thank you.
PHP код: CMD:makeadmin(playerid, params[]) {     new targetid, level;     if(sscanf(params, "ui", targetid, level)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "/makeadmin [player...