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the host that i have is located in Germany and here in germany its day but when i join the server its night! this is the problem when its day here on server its night! or when its night here on serve...
I am having problem with SetWorldTime the problem is that when in germany its day on server its night and when its night on server its day :/ its German ip(german host), the time shouldn't be 14:00, b...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason){    new oldlevel;    new newlevel;    oldlevel = GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid);    newlevel = oldlevel + 1;    if(killerid != ...
i know with mapicon i already did that but i wanted to know if there is any plugin or something that can change the checkpoint blip icon color !!!
is there anyway i can change the checkpoint blip color on the map? Example to be shown in map not with red blip but blue or something
ok if it shows the unknown server command error then the problem is that you cannot use 2 command compressors you should work with one of them i recommand you to use ZCMD
better remove the anti money cheat or try to edit it with your gamemode so it wont ban you when you buy something !
cop king it is simple ! create a checkpoint and if player enter checkpoint sendclinetmessage "type /rob to rob the shop" then create cmd /rob when /rob settimer example "robtimer" + sendclientmessage ...
CODE: pawn Код: new phome = PlayerInfo[playerid][phkey];if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == phome){    SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, HouseInfo[phome][HouseInsideX], HouseInfo[phome][HouseInsideY], ...
no u cant but if you want to use ZCMD convert all your commands to zcmd it is simple and easy
ok remove #include <zcmd> and go try the commands will work
i fixed that by removing zcmd because i was not using it in any command! what inc u use for your cmds?
im having problems with the position when i try to spawn at house i spawn at blueberry access or when i try to /gotopos x y z int again it sends me to blueberry access is there anything i can do ab...
error 017: undefined symbol "INI_Booln" this is the code pawn Код: INI:antidb[](name[], value[]){    for(new i = 1; i < 44; i++)    {        new str5[9];        format(str5,9,"weap...