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Thank you for ur replay I will chechk it later
Hello, i wan't that when i am not car owner, i get dropped out of the car and get message, now i trying to do tis. Code : Код: if(strcmp(MasinosI[vehicleid][Owner],GetPlayerNameEx(playerid))) ret...
Hello, now i making car system, but now, when i wanna to load a car, which are in DB(DataBase), not loading, i am loading on 'OnGamemodeInit' callback, i try'ed to make loading on command, jus nothing...
Still doesnt work. What is wrong, i don't know...
Hello, when i enter this command alone like this "/newbuycar" its show sendclientmessage, but when i enter this command correct with vehicle id, price, colors, its says this command doesn't exists. Wh...
First, i don't kow how to make this command to sscanf/zcmd .. please, smwn make this command to sscanf/zcmd
What is wrong here? Its says that i have createt X, Y, Z, but i only created it one time. Now when i trying to use it, its says - Код: C:\Users\Dovydas\Desktop\SAMP MODAS\gamemodes\mysqlGM.pwn(371...
Could u help me to make it to zcmd ? This is Strcmp code Код: if (strcmp("/newbuycar", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)){return 1;} tmp = strtok(cmdtext,idx); if(!strle...
No errors, just in game when i write it, it not working.
Hello, i making this command from Strcmp to Zcmd, and it not working, what is wrong? Please tell me Thx for help Код: CMD:newbuycar(playerid, params[]) { new cmd[128],tmp[128],idx; cmd = strtok...
Код: if(PlayerData[playerid][lytis] == 1) if(playertextid == istorija3[playerid]) { if(jeigu[playerid] == 0) PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, istorija1[playerid]); PlayerTextDrawShow(player...
When i delete, its says must be assigned to an array and i get like 26 errors
Код: if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new vehiclemodel = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); new suvip[50]; new bevipo[50]; new msg[150]; if( veh...
Can anywone explain me how to get a ofline player name of mysql. Like this, i am work leader, and i wanna see all working players on the guy, this is possible ?
Hello, now i go to chechpoint and i wanna to make random chehcpoints on all map, like this, when i get to ls chechkpoints, i wanna random a lv or sf, when i get to sf, i wanna lv or sf chehckponts, di...
I am using this code when i get on a chechpoint, and i need to attatck a trailer to truck