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Not much you can do about this, probably a bunch of script kiddies running a booter, best bet is placing the game-server behind some provider with actual DDoS protection such as OVH or Limestone Netwo...
The for loop itself can't be causing a crash, but something that deals with the variable being incremented may be causing it to crash. Perhaps something you're doing is causing a stack overflow, I'd s...
To be more specific, go to the Pawn folder, the one that has the compiler, search for the include folder inside there (this is because the server folder also has an "includes" folder that has nothing ...
pawn Код: /* I'm assuming you use incognito's streamer */#define MAX_GARBAGE_BINS    30#define GARBAGE_MDL_ID      3035enum EGarbageBinInfo {    EGBModelID,    Float:GarbageBinX,    Flo...
There's a problem. The client crashes after opening and closing my localhost server like 5 times while staying connected to it. How to reproduce the bug: 1. Start SA-MP and connect to your localhost ...
I don't know what command processor you use, I just used YCMD for demonstration purposes. pawn Код: #define DIALOG_GET_OWNER 150//The commandYCMD:ownerbyplate(playerid, params[], help) { //Assumi...
It means that you went past the maximum you can go on a defined variable, let me show you an example: pawn Код: enum ECars {info,Float: X,Float: Y,Float: Z,};new Cars[500][ECars];for(new i=0; i<...
We're actually looking for three or four people with desires to join our team and help us move forward. We're looking for people who are serious about what they do and want to commit themselves to th...
Quote: Originally Posted by HardRock Just use printf function. I'm sorry, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I just want to re-make the functio...
I've never done this before; I was actually trying to make a ConsoleMessage() function that allows me to send parameters to it and then display it on the console by using print(). Like in the follow...
You can actually do that by doing the following: pawn Код: public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source) {    if(source == CLICK_SOURCE_SCOREBOARD && playerid != clicked...
Objects randomly disappear instantly after creation (at close distances) and the streamer bugs out saying the include is at version 0x26105 and that it doesn't match the plugin when everything is perf...
You can always use #pragma unused to ignore warnings. For example #pragma unused lockdone would ignore the warning for lockdone not being used when you compile.
111 https://www.******.com/?gws_rd=cr&ei...
The problem relies here: pawn Код: while(rows > i)    {        APlayerData[i][BanVariable] = true;// You had only this, no loading any other        printf("Ban %d Loaded", i);    Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by sammp I've also tried using the two parameters, Vince but it gave the same result: nothing. Can you provide me the codes that _should_ insert it? Thanks for he...
Quote: Originally Posted by [WA]iRonan Title pretty much explains my problem, if I press 'ESC' or 'Cancel' the player continues to the class selection, although this shouldn't be like this...
Your foreach statement should be written like so I believe: pawn Код: foreach(Player, j) {    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(j, 30, X, Y, Z) && IsACop(j)) {        copinrange = 1;    }}...
Make sure your pawn compiler is pointing to the right include folder, otherwise it will never find it. I've seen people that have multiple copies of their pawn folder around their computer and somehow...