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Quote: Originally Posted by Calisthenics It is an expression in WHERE clause. [pawn] EDIT: Create a multi-column index. pawn Code: CREATE INDEX ownerid_indexindex ON attachments (ownerid...
alright everyone i have managed to fix table issue myself but now i cant get over this one so now it saves the dataeverything is fine but i get error in the console these are the errors: Code: [db_l...
Hello everyone i tried to edit the default attachments fs that comes with the server package to make it save the attachments using sqlite i have done this so far: PHP Code: //--------------------...
ok i have done this myself and it works ill post the code just in case anyone needs it PHP код: new DB: SkinDB; enum sInfo {     sID,     sOwnerID,     sOwnerName[24] } new Sk...
hi everyone i want to make a skin buying system it is like no one can use the skin another player bought so on class selection i would not be able to spawn if i am trying to spawn with someone elses p...
Quote: Originally Posted by oMa37 PHP код:  for(new i=0; i<sizeof(VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vMods]) i++)  same error
getting this error Quote: error 001: expected token: "]", but found "-identifier-" this is the line: PHP код:  for(new i=0; i<sizeof(VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vMods]);...
yes i am adding it from the original modshop you posted a picture
Quote: Originally Posted by Skimmer Are you using AddVehicleComponent to add mods? Because OnVehicleMod is not called by AddVehicleComponent. Check this
Hello everyone i am trying to save my vehicle mods when i mod it in modshop but the problem is in ini file it shows the mod value to 0 here is my code: PHP код: public OnVehicleMod(playerid,...
i added a message to send when i enter a mod shop and change color: PHP Code: public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2) {     VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vCol1] = color1; Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by [KHK]Khalid Show us your "car saving stock" code! PHP Code: stock SaveVehicles(id) {     new file[64];     format(file, sizeof(file), "Vehicl...
i have tried in mod shop my car color changes but it does not save in the file
Hello i am trying to make a car system so i tried to save car color with yini i searched on samp forums and found some ways to save car color but didnt worked: method 1: PHP Code: public OnVehi...
Quote: Originally Posted by Joron Ah Yes,Incase anyone runs into this problem in the future what was the fix i replaced this: PHP код: INI_ParseFile("WeatherInfo.INI" , "LoadWe...
nvm guys i fixed it my INI_ParseFile part was the problem
Quote: Originally Posted by David (Sabljak) Under ongamemodeinit Код: SetWeather(WeatherInfo[Weather]); SetWorldTime(WeatherInfo[Time]); ? it doesn't work it sets the weather and t...
This is my code i am trying to save server weather and time in a file called "WeatherInfo.INI" it works and save but when i restart the server both time and weather will be set to 0 My code: PHP Ð...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Код: /label {GREEN}This is green{RED}This is red is what he said... You still need the { } it does not compile when i add {} gives me error: К...