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Anyone can help me out here?
Hello everyone, I've tried scripting something, but seems like it doesn't work as expected. I was wondering why, as it compiles fine? So, this is the code: pawn Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(pla...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stanford Alright, Let's script a slap command: pawn Код: CMD:slap(playerid, params[]){    new playa, string[128];    if(sscanf(params,"u",playa)) // I...
Quote: Originally Posted by SilentSoul Hello, firstly you should learn how to use mysql follow this Mysql registration system from this tutorial you will learn some mysql functions, as men...
Hello everyone, let's say I wish to create a map, where I can only kill by it possible? I know how to make the whole server be affected with the headshot system, but is it possible to af...
Hello everyone, recently I was searching for a good tutorial, here on the forums and on ******* aswell, but I failed, some of the tutorials were based on MySQL, and others were just unhelpful. Could a...
EnableStuntBonusForAll(0); Place this under OnGameModeInit.
Quote: Originally Posted by nmader Well, there are a variaty of things you can do, but for the sake of memory I advise using pvars. https://samp...
Hello everyone, how can I save guns, ammo, health and armour before teleporting a player to another map? And make them return once he's back, thanks.
The map is installed, this is just a warning that you're code isn't "clean", post the code I'll fix that up for you.
Quote: Originally Posted by RenovanZ Even searching? I wish to learn how to script something like that, not a filterscript with pastebin. That's what I am asking for
Hello everyone, how can I script a /dual [ID] [Amount] command? So that it will teleport two players to another area, give them random weapons, and the amount will go to the winner, once the duel will...
Quote: Originally Posted by Clad Код: GodeMode[playerid] = 1; Are you sure that you did define this ? Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos pawn Код: // global:ne...
Fixed on own, delete this.
Quote: Originally Posted by CopKing123 look i have read this, and i live in Pakistan, so my internet name doesnt shows up in it, llook my server was runnning perfectly, and the 2nd day i...
This is the wrong section, follow this link to the right section. Plus, can you post the server log?
Quote: Originally Posted by KillerStrike23 ty both, both worked and thanks very very much. but guys anyone have an idea how to replace it with the name over player head I would be so thank...