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Still. the command "/factions" doesn't do anything. Maybe the query name is incorrect? I can provide you my enums aswell. PHP код: enum PlayerData {     ID,     Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ...
The code you provided /factions does nothing. However this code here. Gives me all the faction names on my database. Similarly I just want to add online and total faction members here. The reason why...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stinged Use this: @Vince, I tried it on a database and it did work. It's amazing how powerful the SQLanguage is. And then inside of the callback, use: КоÐ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince You'll want to use "group by". Bascially what you want to do is this: PHP код: SELECT factionid, COUNT(factionid) AS memberCount FROM Account...
Hello! I'm struggling on how I should approach this. So basically my initial approach to get total members of a specific faction is simply loop through my rows and keep adding 1 if `factionid` value...
Hello. I'm trying to make a command /factions which will show user all the factions in my database. However, It doesn't seem to work for me. PHP код: CMD:factions(playerid,params[]) {     m...
Hello guys! I'm having problems trying to convert unthreaded queries to threaded queries. Orginally in unthreaded I was simply asked to put the "LoadFunctions()" under OnGameModeInit. But after loo...
@Gammix. It updates my faction name, however it fucked with my factionid. So faction ID are A_I. I'm trying to give my faction name a specific ID and update it both on `account` and `faction` table. u...
Can't I just assign Player[playerid][FactionName] = inputtext[120] under my dialogresponse. Then call Player[playerid][FactionName] to UPDATE my `factionname` under my `account` table. i tried this a...
Also I'm trying to assign a player to a faction name using Player[playerid][FactionName] = inputtext, which returns me a error saying array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
A bit confused. So what I'm trying to achieve is. I have a /createfaction -> Which stores 'factionname' and 'factionid' under my faction table. Using INSERT INTO. Simliarly, I also have 'factionnam...
Hello! I'm trying to call faction name from the table 'faction'. it's called 'factionname'. So I'm trying to assign factionname to Faction[playerid][factionname]. However it doesn't seem to work. ...
Hello guys. I'm trying to save my faction information. PHP код: CMD:createfaction(playerid,params[]) {     if(Player[playerid][Admin] < 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_...
Fixed. Splitting character works using %e in MYSQL. As it does the escape formatting for you.
@Tass. Thank you very much. I just got back to scripting. I wasn't aware of that.
@Juvanii. I'm 100% positive. Also it appears that when I change what's inside main(). It changes. So safe to say my gamemode is actually loaded. But it keeps saying unkown for very odd reason.
@Iqba No. There isn't. Also to clarify I have file called plugins which has whirlpool and mysql. So safe to say they're loaded both perfectly fine.