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Quote: Originally Posted by PT Nгo sei porque insistem em usar o Carlitos Roleplay / DL-RP editada GM velho. Tens steam? manda-me o teu contacto por PM gostaria de falar contigo em priva...
Hello, So i am trying to turn the server on but when i start it it closes right away... server.log says this ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server --...
Boas, Tenho aqui um problema nao sei o que acontece... eu ligo o servidor so que ele vai logo abaixo de seguida... ele aparece isto no server log, ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". -...
Noup... Tried the two things u said none of them worked...
If i never played samp or entered a server because it crashes AND also i dont want to play off mode there is no gta_sa.set .... the crash is other thing i think it is about compatibility... if i put l...
Since i installed win 8 never had SAMP i installed now the samp and not working so i dont think it will be from the mods, cant even find gta_sa.set, tried to enter in other servers and same problem...
HELLO! Recently i installed win 8 and downloaded samp so when i try to enter in a server it just crashes... Does anybody knows how to solve this?... thanks. Crash:: SA-MP 0.3z Exception At Addres...
aight i think i found it this is the menu: { if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == LottoPosition[World]) { GameTextForPlayer(i, "~w~Euro Milhoes", 3500, 3); if(LottoDuty[i] == ...
i dont know where is the code in the gamemode :/ if anyone could help me i would put here...
Hello,, I need a help from a scripter, the problem is in the lottery system as the gamemode is in portuguese and it is Roleplay it has the lottery system where people enter in Betting house and there...
SOLVED! so the problem is that the person cames in server and spams 1000 words in less than 1 sec and it crash the server
Hi, I have a problem in a roleplay server, as it is a roleplay server people need to register or login, but there is a guy wich enters the server just doesn't login or register and keeps crashing my ...
Hello, can anyone tell me how to open a .pwn gamemode in mta to edit the map? i have also a file please tell me how to open it thank you.
Quote: Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx To resolve it, You must be the owner, Or at least have the script to be able to edit it, Tell the owner to post it or you get the codes from him and pos...
well it is a friends gamemode not mine a just put the gamemode in the server and mapped somethings and it appeard can anyone tell me how to resolve?
hi! My friend has a server and i am helping him, but in the gamemode it has a bug i dont know how do resolve it , the server is roleplay and the map is red county, the bug is in the business it appea...
Quote: Originally Posted by Coe1 Edit Qual o intuito desse tуpico? :B se alguem precisar de gamemode rp pt-portugal ou ajuda em scriptar o sv eu ajudo...
Boas sou o Nkz tenho 16 anos ,sou do porto. Sou scriptter de samp role play portugues jogo samp hб quase 3 anos jб tenho um gm rp pt-portugal configurado para quem precisar de ajuda й so contactar...
Hello i need help for animlist i need to know where to put the code i have a file script which has animations i put it on filterscripts but on server it does not work i put /animlist it says the serve...