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I believe any reasonable game host (of any kind) gives you FTP access to your own server. You could hope that the CP enforces It's settings (ports/slots) when you finish editing. you can try modifyin...
Maybe it's just me or something. But why can't I view the source directly on Github? Also, I think it would be dope if you could add a command to toggle the labels.
Quote: Originally Posted by PowerMwK honestly, but this system is somewhat obsolete, there are already several ways to use cheats without getting caught by the plugin. According to the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Undef1ned Why use something like that if it's just done with a single line? The result would be also a single if condition (or switch, according to the scri...
Use a mixture of this tutorial by [HLF]Southclaw & OnPlayerCommandRecieved
Wouldn't that basically reset if the server got Stopped/Restarted? I believe the best solutions would be: - Use MySQL and have it define the UID as unique/incremental, now you know that last UID is t...
from this line Код: case 4:SellWeapon(playerid, 30, 34, 30); Your "SellWeapon" function requires 4 parameters. Код: Sellweapon(playerid, parameter 2, parameter 3, parameter 4) In case 5, you ...
Let me know how do you handle ban appeals for undetectable hacks (i.e nametag hacks/aimbot) since scripting is never accurate in those cases (Yes, some includes were made but I can't say I can trust ...
Install Windows 10 latest updates. Let me make this simple, Without updates, Windows 10 performance is trash for a simple reason, It's still getting new stuff added each day and bug fixes. I can con...
Discord is so much fun to be honest. Would be great to see a plugin supporting sa-mp.
Quote: Originally Posted by Face9000 Care to explain more? It checks if you are actually shooting with a valid weapon or not.
I love includes made by you Emmet_, They are always trustworthy. Thanks!
This might sound silly but did you try minconnectiontime in your server.cfg ?
Quote: Originally Posted by Mehdi16 Код: C:\Documents and Settings\ayman\Bureau\b\Miami\filterscripts\sqlmode.pwn(124) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) C:\Documents and...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder 1. The errors are most likely from your include ordering, try including this before everything except a_samp. 2. DON'T USE OnPlayerTakeDamage with this ...
Getting those errors each time I try to compile. Code: pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype pawno\include\ : error 025: fu...
Quote: Originally Posted by shocktheripper Take a look. Dude, I don't want a custom ban system, I want to add an extra line to pla...
ban the player is not enough, If he evades he can still use the account, I can simply block the account and if he wanted to evade he can go ahead with new name. Anyways, I need a way to add it :/
So My current infos saved when the player register Код: new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), inputtext); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); ...
I've changed my version over 10 times from 0.3x to 0.3.7 and my textdraws never had such a problem. Show us your textdraws ?