Search Results
iZN thanks, yet again. I wonder why didnt it show me the topic when I searched I might've overlooked it.
Ok, so some days ago I made a topic about it at Discussion, got an infraction for posting in wrong section... So, I need help in making the "ripazha" cheat of the san andreas single player... I've tri...
umm...can you post some screens or maybe a video so that I can get an idea about what this is ?
You need to download and use the iTD plugin in order to use the mouse....
Nothing to say IronMan, ohh...sorry wait :Hanuman:
Can I use a loop in a DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ? What I want is to show the number of flags captured by a specific team... I mean so I want it like, 1. FlagName 2. FlagName and so the names(lis...
That's definitely an edit of XtremeR's Box just added that "SERVER NEWS" thingy above...other than that its the same code.... plus, y are you multi-accounting at SA-MP forums ? Just bec...
Thanks Konstantinos I am dumb -_- I thought -1 was playerid in other words D: EDIT:Can't REP you, just recently did somewhere else...
I am creating a CP when a player enters a specific vehicle and its steaming area is set to 9999.9 but the problem is that the CP is getting streamed for all players, I mean everyone on the server can ...
SouthClaw, thanks that helped. Can't rep you, have recently done that somewhere else.
Quote: Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw It's used for any entity, check the first post for more info. Each entity (object/label/checkpoint/etc) has a data field corresponding to the en...
Quote: Originally Posted by M3HR4N use the format : Do you have any idea what you are talking and what he was asking about ? Dont just p...
Quote: Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw Streamer_SetArrayData, set checkpoint "E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID" to the player you want it to be visible to. But isnt the Steamer_SetArrayData fun...
Is it possible that I create a dynamic checkpoint and then it only shows to a specific player and not all the other players on the server ?
Search for mysql_connect in your Gamemode pwn file, enter your details in that. Rather define your details beforehand as following pawn Код: #define MYSQL_HOST "put your host ip here"#define MYSQ...
here is code: pawn Код: for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(PI); i++){    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, PI[i][pPozx], PI[i][pPozy], PI[i][pPozz]))    {        SCM(playerid,-1,"Works!"...
First: pawn Код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason){    new query[1200], Float:pos[3];    GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);     mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query...